Permissions; Stuff You Should Know

Oct 30, 2010 22:55

Some stuff you should know about SHODAN and her abilities, condensed and in easy to read format so you don't have to wade through her app:

Voice: SHODAN has a very unique voice that is absolutely essential to her character. You can hear some clips below:
System Shock 1 quotes

Note that these Youtube clips don't show how terrifying she is in the game - the games were famous for using surround sound to make her seem to jump around the room. She would seem to surround you, then whisper in her ear, only to seem halfway across the room a second later.

In-game, she will learn to hack temporarily into the audio systems of the station to achieve this effect around people (I will note when she is doing so)

'Janice Polito - SHODAN has TWO communicator IDs, which will be indicated as follows:


These seem to indicate entirely disparate user profiles. 1:/SHODAN, if closely examined, gives a string of random crap and hideous audio feedback. 2:/POLITO just seems to be a normal communicator; if you hack into it you'll find some basic programming files in an advanced language that don't do much. One of them seems to be a nice web browser or something.

SHODAN will also be using holograms to appear in person and over video posts to be Janice Polito, a computer scientist aboard the Von Braun who she impersonated in System Shock 2. When she is being Polito, her voice will sound like that of a normal human and her holographic form will look completely human.

She has no way of fooling people who have any ability to see through holograms (be it psychic powers or... whatever). Since psychics ARE canon in her 'verse, she will be trying to avoid physically interacting with people so as not to destroy her ruse. Touch, too, will reveal her true nature, as she will not have enough fine control over the holograms yet to emulate hair and flesh (besides, that'd be distasteful ;) )

Also, obviously, Hypatia isn't fooled by ANY of this.

Mobile Platform - SHODAN has a mechanical mobile platform she was given on her arrival to Sacrosanct; it is a six foot tall mechanical humanoid in silver, dark green, and black; it is vaguely feminine in appearance. It is not especially durable or special in any way.

Machine God - SHODAN is a computer virus and a genius level intellect. Some notes:
- Please respond to this post if it is NOT OK for her to hack your posts. Please note that it's ENTIRELY possible to lock her out - many people in canon manage the feat! By the same token, it's entirely possible to hack into her stuff... but you must be quite talented to do so.
- Hypothetically, SHODAN can hijack and brainwash other machine life or people with cybernetic implants; however, she requires assistance/direct contact to do so, and even then, she needs to either have outside help from another hacker or to trick the individual in question into letting their guard down. Feel free to contact me if you want a robot bitch-queen in your character's head.

SHODAN can't hack Hypatia even with help. Probably. Unless we want to do an event later.

Biohacking and cybernetics - SHODAN canonically makes a whole race of cyborgs and later a bunch of nasty parasitic worm beasties that are kind of like if you crossed Xenomorphs with the Borg. She is Good At This Stuff. Of course, she can't do any fun things without help and supplies (see aforementioned "can't hack systems without help" etc etc), but if your character for some reason wants to slip the bounds of their pathetic flesh and serve her then well we can work something out. Or if they want to be twisted into a hideous monstrosity.



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