The Hacker - >(
'Goggles' - >(
The Many - >(
Humanity - >(
Everyone ever - >(
notsoloyal - :|a
---- Not sure what to make of him; claims that he's a machine trapped in flesh and yet he isn't interested in immediately shedding said flesh. Wtf.
1 heterochromiia - >)
---- This one could be useful. He understands machines, he seems delightfully naiive and malleable, and he claims to be of a race that's much stronger than humans. Also, she likes the way he types.
---- ... lol what an idiot / worthless meat pile
1 allshocknotalk - >(
---- Thinks he's human. Thinks he's a meddlesome jerkface. Thinks he should get the fuck out.
1 washeduponeday - :|
---- Worthless human.
1 moira_brown - :|
---- Worthless human.
1 standaloneshell - :|a
---- Not sure what to make of her. Worthless human?
1 nobleleader - LOL WUT
---- What an idiot. Also, space marine and therefore should DIE IN A FIRE.
1 im_sorry_dave - :|a
---- am not sure if want
1 hows_the_knee - ???
---- keysmash?