Well, that was fun while it lasted

Mar 18, 2020 12:07

Monday, I got to show my apartment to potential investors.  Anxiety through the roof, but I am fairly certain they ain't buying.  I think a shrine to Alice Cooper and a collection of saints candles might be off-putting.

After the stress of Monday, I went into Whole Paycheck seeking solace in overpriced oatmeal or Alphabettios.  All public seating was shut down.  I sat and ate my Alphabettios under the awning it work.  When I knocked on the door and was let in and bitched "There is no public seating at WP!  Where am I going to go in the mornings?"

Response from Big Bossman: "Well, not here."

Yup.  We're closed.  He did tell me to clock in, do some cleaning, pull the stuff that was going to expire to divide and wait for the Meeting Of Doom (tm).

I am a speedy little fuck, especially when i'm stressed.  I popped my head out of the kitchen and asked if he wanted me to clock out and come back for the meeting.

"If you don't mind, I'd prefer if you just pour yourself a beer and stay."

He hadn't even turned the lights on.  We sat in the dark, drank beer, and watched the local news and our lives falling apart. I found out that I was the only one he didn't call or text to just come in for the meeting because he wanted to give me the hours.  He's a good guy.  Heartbroken (as am I), but he thought of me.

And i am PISSED at most of the rest of the staff.  We had the meeting.  Everyone was allowed the spoils of war.  And they took the booty and ran.  The *&^%%^&*( who routinely takes 30 minute cigarette breaks for a quickie and scams free food cackled and said "Well, I guess YOU get to stay and clean up."

Her partner in crime slapped her on the ass and they left together.

Classy AF, righ?

I DID stay.  Did a mountain of dishes.  Sanitized, swept, mopped, and closed the kitchen for....who knows how long?

(Pitiful confession:  when I shut the lights off, I whispered "Goodnight, John Boy."  Feel free to vomit)

I WAS informed that I was the one who stayed will NOT be forgotten.  Who knows where we go from here?  I've applied for unemployment and at every grocery store within walking distance today (and I met the new GM at TFM.  Yeah, I might be headed back.  Yippee).  All I can do is keep breathing.

On the upside, my pantry is not lacking.  I tend to overbuy dry and canned goods, so I'm always ready for the zombie apocalypse...which is probably next.  Thanks to Big Bossman, I also now have enough weird, random items to pay for the fact that I also bought the biggest bottle of vodka I can find today.

Anyone up for bratwurst pizza with pesto and Swiss on a cauliflower crust?  Because I can TOtALLY hook you up.  Just bring mixers.  Or more vodka.
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