Long time, no write

May 26, 2020 22:17

*taps mike*  Hi.  Is this thing still on?

So...yeah.  It's been over two months.  I won't lie.  Once I got furloughed, I've more or less been sleeping All.  The.  Time.  I haven't even been able to get it together enough to apply for unemployment until this week.  I'm still doing FB, but my brain is pretty much unable to do anything more complex than yell at the clueless twatwaffles on Vanderpump Rules.

I think I turned a bit of a corner today.  I polished my nails, which was a bit weird, because I no longer have "line cook nails."  The last time when my nails were this long, I was pregnant with Ashe.  I dressed up cute to go on my essential grocery run (my nails matched my shirt.  And I even wore mascara!).  While three hours on a bus for something that used to take me 45min-hour round trip, it was nice to get out for a bit and run into one of my co-workers from Happy Acres.

I'm sure the bus driver was THRILLED that we were socially distancing....and a little on the loud side because we were trying to talk through masks.  At least we were at the back of the bus.

She was the wakeup call I needed.  i was contacted by Happy Acres and asked if I'd like to come back as a temp.  I asked her what she thought, and she was blunt:  "Damn, Red....have you lost your mind?  They didn't care about you 2 years ago.  Do the words cannon fodder mean anything to you?"

Well, when you put it THAT way....

I just want to go back to work.  Or hide inside forever.  Not sure which.

In other news, my mask making skills are SOLID.  Since Kent is considered essential, he's working all the time.  I can do two things: make masks for him and the guys he works with and pack the guys who are giving him a ride in (because our bus system is FUCKED) a meal.  I'm starting to get a couple bucks here and there, but I'm not selling them.  One of the women I worked with in bakery sent me a HUGE strawberry chiffon cake because I sent her daughter 12 masks in her size.  I KNEW there was a reason I'd been hoarding all of the Disney princess fabric for a reason!

Life is weird.  And it seems like it is getting smaller and smaller.  But I'm not entirely sure that's so bad.

Enough babbling.  But the bitch is back.  Just in time for my birthday.  <3
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