LJI: The Streisand Effect

Mar 17, 2020 18:05

"On a clear day....you can see forever."

Oh, holy Christ on a neon pogo stick.  No.

I sneak my head from under the covers.  5:55 am.  And here comes my mother doing her best impression of Babs, bouncing off the walls and making my teenaged self regret I was ever born to a failed musical theatre major.  She could have just stayed in college and not gotten knocked up with me.  I am sure I had a quieter, calmer parent waiting on the sidelines.  Preferably one who didn't decide if she was awake, everyone in the house had to be...and the best way to do that was through showtunes. Usually Barbara.  At full volume.

I wanted someone quieter, calmer.

I am now older than she was when I was convinced when she was trying to torture me.

I get up first in the mornings most days.  I make coffee.  I try to walk quietly.  To be calm, to not inflict my early bird tendencies on the other person in the house.

And yet...some mornings...I catch myself pretending to rollerskate in the kitchen in my slipper socks, so very close to belting out the opening lines to "I'd Rather Be Blue."

He shambles out, all bedhead and grumpy.  "Can't you be quieter?"

I blame it on Babs.
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