Aug 06, 2006 01:37
Well despite the fact that i think Rugby League is an annoying game I got dragged along to see the Cowboys get slaughtered by the Bulldogs last night but that's not all I also got to stalk a couple of Bulldogs players yesterday morning just for fun.
See the Powerpuff Fan is a huge League fan (mainly the roosters but if she thinks a player is cute that's her new boyfriend). Turns out she thinks Willie Mason and Sonny Bill Williams are cute. Now after we noticed them all sitting at the bar of the hotel up the road from us that of course meant the Powerpuff fan spent the morning outside that hotel trying to get photos with the players. The rest of the morning btw was spent going through every clothes shop in Townsville... You can all guess how much I loved that.
So the game itself was dull it was pretty much a walkover and since i don't like football very much anyway I decided to make fun of everything around me. I drew the line at making fun of the pre-match entertainments Christian college medley of Annie songs even though they were pretty horrific. Instead i laughed at the band who completely ruined Yellow by Coldplay and U2's Vertigo. After them came the many cheerleaders and the multitude of mascots. I have never seen so many mascots all for the same team in the same place before. Some of them were obvious eg the big cowboy and the cow (cause they play at Dairy Farmers Stadium). Others were a little more unclear. First we had the grey thing that looked like a cigarette butt (still not sure of that one), then there's the NQ bulldog (not sure why they have a bulldog not the Bulldogs) and lastly the weird superhero looking guy.
Then the game itself... I got bored and to see if anyone would get it after one of the Cowboys tries I screamed out "I wish I knew how to quit you". As suspected most of the crowd around me had no idea what that was about personally i thought it was one of the best heckles i'd come up with this year. What made me laugh even more was after the Cowboys scored they play the Steps song 5,6,7,8 as the Cowboy mascot dances around (after seeing that I started calling him Jack cause theres no way Ennis would dance like that).
After that i ditched everyone and refused to go out cause the cold i'm getting is getting worse (which means so far this trip i have totally avoided the Mad Cow) but was woken at 1 am by the fire alarm going off. I kinda ignored it for around 5 minutes before deciding to open my door and find out what was going on. According to the fireman who greeted me the girl in the room across from me left her bathroom door open while having a shower and thus set off the alarm with the steam. Now i can't sleep.