...and that is, in fact, PRECISELY when the cutting started

Jul 17, 2006 15:23

During my first week of class, I received my first school-related injury! It was really a bit of a relief to get that out of the way, particularly as it was nothing serious. I've injured myself plenty of times in my home kitchen, and it was good to know I had that same capability in a more professional kitchen setting as well. I was worried my existing skills wouldn't be transferrable, but I was proven quite wrong on this count!

Wikipedia explains it best:

Mandolines (or their close cousins, the "V"-slicer and mandolin) are the most efficient manual method to slice your hand. Higher-quality mandolines allow for adjustable injury.

We were in the midst of learning about potatoes and I was busily slicing some potatoes up for dauphinoise (which is nothing to do with the Renault wagon of the same name, for those of you keeping score at home). My thumb met the mandoline blade head on. Bloodletting ensued, although I have to say it was by far the least painful cut I've ever received because the blade was so sharp. Also, cuts don't hurt nearly as much as burns do, even if they're relatively minor burns. Hot fat + skin = very bad idea.

Ah, well. At least this has resulted in the necessity of my wearing a finger cot the past few days whilst doing our labs in the kitchen. The ones we've got in our first aid kit are blue, and so my injured thumb looks like the result of a Smurf wearing a condom. Now there's an idea for a theme restaurant.

cuts, injuries

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