
Jan 18, 2021 19:51

Minus twenty abord but my futuristic house doesn't think to give up and happily smoking with last rotten firewood...

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my site, building, winter

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putkin's dacha pigshitpoet January 22 2021, 09:13:56 UTC
oh my god, you were not kidding when you call him the czar..


Re: putkin's dacha maadmike January 22 2021, 10:18:14 UTC
Where I was calling "him" "czar"? And who is this mysterious "czar" is ( ... )


RE: Re: putkin's dacha pigshitpoet January 22 2021, 10:30:52 UTC
--Navalniy is a scary, pity bitch which couldn’t afford itself to say a word about his owners corruption - about the most terrific and great again USA corruption where it is difficult to understand where billions of dollars are going--

navalny claims putin also laundered money for others, then received bribes and kickbacks for his efforts, there is hidden private ownership of national public companies. so i think all have played this game of robbing from the taxpayers. navalny also claims putin rigged russian elections just like in america for bush obama and biden by dominion, involving also ccp china, germay, italy and iran

the question he asks is where did the billiions from charity go? and then the palace appears. the palace is protected with no fly zone, high security and situated on 7000 hectares? trump's mata-lago is humble in comparison. this is more like disneyworld..
crazy leaders, all of them


Re: Re: putkin's dacha maadmike January 22 2021, 17:18:37 UTC
"the question he asks is where did the billiions from charity go? and then the palace appears. the palace is protected with no fly zone, high security and situated on 7000 hectares? trump's mata-lago is humble in comparison. this is more like disneyworld ( ... )


RE: Re: Re: all crazy leaders pigshitpoet January 22 2021, 19:49:29 UTC
yes, i know about the free land
this is from anastasia ringing cedars homestead called family plot for self-sustained living on the land
in canada there was free land to build the colonial settlement from europe circa 1900
how many russians have now chosen to live in a dacha farm cottage?

what do you think is navalny's hope?
he is complaining but what does he offer people in return?

maybe putin is the new pope!
he is building a new vatican
think about it..


Re: Re: Re: all crazy leaders maadmike January 22 2021, 20:51:51 UTC
“how many russians have now chosen to live in a dacha farm cottage ( ... )


RE: Re: Re: Re: all crazy leaders pigshitpoet January 23 2021, 00:07:12 UTC
navalny, that bastard, so he's actually a bad actor paid by soros and co ( ... )


Re: Re: putkin's dacha maadmike January 22 2021, 17:48:45 UTC
"navalny claims putin also laundered money for others, then received bribes and kickbacks for his efforts, there is hidden private ownership of national public companies ( ... )


RE: Re: Re: all the years, yes pigshitpoet January 22 2021, 19:21:42 UTC
this seems to be a world economic problem
how will it ever change?

look at nigel farage in britain, also outspoken, yet ineffective
or maxime bernier in canada
the media censors him

the companies are simply a tool to launder more money away from the people

the only thing that is true, no matter who you vote for,
you always get a politician, whose job is to screw us
; P


Re: Re: Re: all the years, yes maadmike January 22 2021, 21:01:41 UTC
"the only thing that is true, no matter who you vote for,
you always get a politician, whose job is to screw us"

You look very upset, my friend ...; (

About the politicians screwing somebody - my position is simple - I do think what I could do and how much I will earn with this… For example I could work at plant now - the salary will be 800$ - minus flat 400$ minus food - 0$... so, if I will earn not enough, needless to say zero - I will not be spending time on this and hence I couldn’t blame for my problems anybody but myself - I don’t think that any time before at least at Russia, we had so many freedom and opportunities to do nearly everything you could dream about - plants, houses, boats, planes - you name it… with nearly not paying any taxes… It is like a paradise for me as for engineer…


RE: Re: Re: Re: all the years, yes pigshitpoet January 22 2021, 23:27:24 UTC
i'm not upset really,
i just don't like change,
but i know the world must change
it's me, not others that are the problem )))
getting old, stuck, seen too much, done to much
i need a holiday!
no place to go but inside my mind
which is probably more crazy than the world today!
just trying to get by day by day and ignore most of it
as you so aptly exemplify, thanks
the exuberance of youth!


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