(no subject)

Jan 18, 2021 19:51

Minus twenty abord but my futuristic house doesn't think to give up and happily smoking with last rotten firewood...

Today I have at last changed the front two summer wheels on the winter couple and paid 10$ for repairing gasoline chain saw, which I want to believe will let me easily have endless amounts of firewoods. It will be a week of minus twenty at European Russia and after comparably summer period of plus one temperatures. So, I am planning to drive the firewoods for a next week and after when it gets warmer to change all is possible at my car's front undercarriage cause it seems all is broken there and sounds like an orchestra. And after... I will start to build something at my basement, if we will not have minus thirty or something alike...

is possible at my car

my site, building, winter

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