
Jan 21, 2021 12:16

My son yesterday when has come from school has told me that it is in Internet that we Russians are about to expect millions of protesters at Moscow against Putin and against legal Navalniy arrest... and I was like - What? How on Earth these people have to be so idiotic or deceitful to not see the obvious efforts our authorities have done through this virus world maddemic? Did we have any food, medicine, hospitals places shortage ? - No, we didn’t ! And all this we have got due to the extreme work of our government and Putin's work in the end... How it is possible to be so stupid, to not see or to not compare what we have here in Russia to what others have around the world? Look at "democratic" USA - do you like it now ? , then prepare to be called inside terrorists and get in jail for twenty years! Twenty years for common demonstration - we don’t have such terms for real crimes!- when nothing it seems working properly at USA if it is not working to corrupted and criminal purposes... Schiiittt…

my thoughts

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