
Jan 18, 2021 19:51

Minus twenty abord but my futuristic house doesn't think to give up and happily smoking with last rotten firewood...

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my site, building, winter

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Re: putkin's dacha maadmike January 22 2021, 10:18:14 UTC
Where I was calling "him" "czar"? And who is this mysterious "czar" is?

I liked the video Navalniy had presented to Russians year or two ago, it was telling about our previous president Medvedev, about the schemes he used to steal money or better to say about the laundering of money stolen by different legal and not so legal mechanisms. There was told that all the hidden Medvedev’s property was bought for his - Medvedev classmates. But it is impossible to claim it is so in court cause all the Navalniy’s video evidences are visionary or fictitious, it was like here we see Medvedev with this lamp which he has bought here at Internet, so it proves this building is his and like that… ))) It was entertaining to watch this video and I am even ready to believe it but again…

Navalniy is a scary, pity bitch which couldn’t afford itself to say a word about his owners corruption - about the most terrific and great again USA corruption where it is difficult to understand where billions of dollars are going… Navalniy is just working like all the Americans pets destroying their own countries like Guaido, Sarakashvili, Porosenko and so on, they all are like actors of one big espionage saga but not so pretty and cute as e James Bond but more like Lenin which was taking money from Germany secret services to destroy Tsar’s Russia, to get it out of future world war, working to make German’s dreams come true… They are traitors for their own countries and nations and again they are no more than scared, shitting under itself, stray pets…

This video, I suppose, also will never tell about the simple questions - where you are taking money for your work, what are the tasks you want to reach, if you are organizing the political movement for all the good and against all the bad then show your real work which are supposed to help real people - make party and write everyday doings you have done to make your own country better…

About Putin is Tsar... If to say about power - Putin is much more powerful than ever Russian Tsar known and if to think about jurisdiction - No, he is not with all the possible to think out differences - he was legally chosen and if to compare our presidential election to the Navalniy owners USA election - Putin has thousand more percent rights to call himself legally chosen president instead of Biden but of course no bitch like Navalniy never will start to discuss things in that perspective or he or his twins could immediately feel the effect of their words with their western bank accounts and pockets are getting emptier and emptier with every sec…
If to speculate about the Putin hidden actives, I again, dare to think that Putin is very reach man, with millions Rubles actives written or earning by his friends but certainly he is more poor than any of Russian Tsars, taking in account that Tsars were owning all Russia which had included Poland, Finland and many other neighboring countries…


RE: Re: putkin's dacha pigshitpoet January 22 2021, 10:30:52 UTC
--Navalniy is a scary, pity bitch which couldn’t afford itself to say a word about his owners corruption - about the most terrific and great again USA corruption where it is difficult to understand where billions of dollars are going--

navalny claims putin also laundered money for others, then received bribes and kickbacks for his efforts, there is hidden private ownership of national public companies. so i think all have played this game of robbing from the taxpayers. navalny also claims putin rigged russian elections just like in america for bush obama and biden by dominion, involving also ccp china, germay, italy and iran

the question he asks is where did the billiions from charity go? and then the palace appears. the palace is protected with no fly zone, high security and situated on 7000 hectares? trump's mata-lago is humble in comparison. this is more like disneyworld..
crazy leaders, all of them


Re: Re: putkin's dacha maadmike January 22 2021, 17:18:37 UTC
"the question he asks is where did the billiions from charity go? and then the palace appears. the palace is protected with no fly zone, high security and situated on 7000 hectares? trump's mata-lago is humble in comparison. this is more like disneyworld.."

7000 hectares... Hhmm, you know we have a little bit more land than Italy mentioned with its 60 million population... So, I would be surprised if Putin could hold under not direct control as the President and hence our Rusian army first person but by any temporal implication even more land... and if to think about the constant threats to Russia from USA as a nuclear power and its satellites, which were equipped with American nuclear bombs recently, so I could imagine that Putin, his generals and CO, don't mistake with carbonate oxide)
, that Putin could earn much more expensive under surface bunkers and even some underwater bunkers... Who knows, even Stalin at USSR early and terribly poor years, as it turned out now has earned 9 bunkers around European Russia territory, which were much more profuse than the Hitler's ones...

And again, every citizen now could get for free one hectar of land at Siberia... Every citizen! It is Putin presented us these lands so you could imagine how many hectares, even after huge reorganization when so many buildings at Moscow were stolen that even military minister was supposed to get in jail but slip somehow this perspective as very effective worker...))

So, again... 7000 hectares earned by anybody at Russia would not surprised me much - not that scale... If Navalniy will start claiming that we Russians have bases on Mars which wpuld be real corruption which no doubt will interst me... ;)

crazy leaders, all of them


RE: Re: Re: all crazy leaders pigshitpoet January 22 2021, 19:49:29 UTC
yes, i know about the free land
this is from anastasia ringing cedars homestead called family plot for self-sustained living on the land
in canada there was free land to build the colonial settlement from europe circa 1900
how many russians have now chosen to live in a dacha farm cottage?

what do you think is navalny's hope?
he is complaining but what does he offer people in return?

maybe putin is the new pope!
he is building a new vatican
think about it..


Re: Re: Re: all crazy leaders maadmike January 22 2021, 20:51:51 UTC
“how many russians have now chosen to live in a dacha farm cottage?”

There is no need to choose a living at dacha because nearly every Russian family from USSR late times has six-ten or if land was bought at some former “Kolhoz” twenty more of 0.1 hectare, to say it correctly 0.2 or more of hectare. We have from wife’s grandma o.2 hectare of living land where you could build a house and o.5 hectare of agricultural land at Cheboksary region, Chuvashia. We need to make some documents to become the official owners but we are not in a hurry…
If you are asking about earning one hectare at Siberia then I could assume that not many Russians will rush immediately there… The climate is not that beautiful at Siberia - very cold at long winters and very humid and hot at short summers, many gnats, and little of civilization with shops, roads and so on…

“what do you think is navalny's hope? “

He is just working for west money, he doesn’t need to hope for anything cause he could flee to any western country like Sorokashvili fled from Ukraine when the alternative to get to jail had come on horizon… All modern opposition leaders with money and one foot abroad and one foot at enemy mother’s land…

“he is complaining but what does he offer people in return?”

Nothing… He is just telling again and again how all and everything is bad at Russia and no little speculation on how it is at USA controlled Ukraine for example, where Russians were burned to death with no police actions taken, not at the place of crime not months after… or how things are going on at USA where BLM blacks were doing any crimes they wanted for months with no police actions taken and the armless veteran was shot in chest again - no actions… No word from Navalniy… He could simply say big thanks for our Russian medics which had saved his life but instead he telling again and again how it is all bad here and hence good there… where??? This there is no maaatteeer…

“maybe putin is the new pope!”

Predictors were saying that we will have one interesting zone at Siberia there the aliens will build something which will be helping us - all our planet dwellers to get through the future difficult times…
Maybe this zone is bothering foreign secret services and Navalniy as their pet-agent… ?

“he is building a new vatican
think about it..”

Not Putin but some affiliated people that’s for sure… it is like the zone 51 at USA - nobody knows what is going on there but all are speculating…


RE: Re: Re: Re: all crazy leaders pigshitpoet January 23 2021, 00:07:12 UTC
navalny, that bastard, so he's actually a bad actor paid by soros and co.
see, i never thought things were that bad in russia. LJ seems to say different.
unless this is more big corporate propaganda, ie. internet trolls and hackers
big tech media companies manipulating public dissent

america is fooked! not the real black, but george soros black actors..
the problem is the globalists trying to bring down the system, just as in russia
america and russia have many things similar, including global mafia, cia, etc

area 51, of course! why wouldn't they? siberia is a giant place!
as far away as the moon and there are said to be bases on the moon as well

is this not crazy how much information is about this on the internet !

; O






there can be no cold war, except in china


Re: Re: putkin's dacha maadmike January 22 2021, 17:48:45 UTC
"navalny claims putin also laundered money for others, then received bribes and kickbacks for his efforts, there is hidden private ownership of national public companies"

You know the problem here in Russia with all these oppositioners and revolutioners is that they could be charming and pretending to be honest people. They are getting frim nowhere every election claiming - the authorities are corrupted, love us we will give you paradise. But! I want to ask them where you were all these years? Why you were not working to help anybody during all these years when Putin has stopped numerous wars as at Russia as on perimeter, has build from minus economy - yes, not so prosperous as the economy of some fast growing Asian country but again... They don't have no army, no uch huge territorial tasks as Russia has, they don't have such hate from all west mass media, no sanctions, no hidden wars against them..
If our opposition was even tried to do simething helpful it would have its followers, active real party and hence the chances to have some role in Russian political sistem.
But instead of doing anything they are doing inly one comfort thing - blaming Putin like West in all the sins... Si, it is not strange that Navalniy has only children followers, adults, I dare to think, would count it is stupid to be manipulated so simple for nothing...


RE: Re: Re: all the years, yes pigshitpoet January 22 2021, 19:21:42 UTC
this seems to be a world economic problem
how will it ever change?

look at nigel farage in britain, also outspoken, yet ineffective
or maxime bernier in canada
the media censors him

the companies are simply a tool to launder more money away from the people

the only thing that is true, no matter who you vote for,
you always get a politician, whose job is to screw us
; P


Re: Re: Re: all the years, yes maadmike January 22 2021, 21:01:41 UTC
"the only thing that is true, no matter who you vote for,
you always get a politician, whose job is to screw us"

You look very upset, my friend ...; (

About the politicians screwing somebody - my position is simple - I do think what I could do and how much I will earn with this… For example I could work at plant now - the salary will be 800$ - minus flat 400$ minus food - 0$... so, if I will earn not enough, needless to say zero - I will not be spending time on this and hence I couldn’t blame for my problems anybody but myself - I don’t think that any time before at least at Russia, we had so many freedom and opportunities to do nearly everything you could dream about - plants, houses, boats, planes - you name it… with nearly not paying any taxes… It is like a paradise for me as for engineer…


RE: Re: Re: Re: all the years, yes pigshitpoet January 22 2021, 23:27:24 UTC
i'm not upset really,
i just don't like change,
but i know the world must change
it's me, not others that are the problem )))
getting old, stuck, seen too much, done to much
i need a holiday!
no place to go but inside my mind
which is probably more crazy than the world today!
just trying to get by day by day and ignore most of it
as you so aptly exemplify, thanks
the exuberance of youth!


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