Jan 28, 2006 11:42
So last night I had some of the most amazing dreams of my life... I swear to you I had about 4 or 5 different dreams that lasted all the way through my sleep.
What were these glorious dreams you ask? Well I'll tell you my friend...
I was making out with Ryan Attwood... now I know what you may say "don't you mean Benjamin McKenzie? Ryan Attwood isn't real!" and no I don't mean Mr. McKenzie - you see, that is the glory of dreams... Whatever you want can be real... and boy howdy let me tell you... this was as real as it gets and probly the closest I will ever come to this fantasy...
What a great start to your day!
P.S. I know I'm a dork and probably the only people who will appreciate this entry are Sarah and Cherie... so I dedicate this entry to them!