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corrections needed waveg October 17 2014, 05:28:00 UTC
Dear Lyukum,

Looks like two typos got in:

0.5 cups EV olive oil
is not
360мл оливкового масла

1 Tbs boiled apple cider vinegar
is not
1 ст.л. коричневого сахара/фруктового сахара

What bread is in the picture?
I am in California.

Thanks a lot for the mouthwatering recipe.


Re: corrections needed lyukum October 17 2014, 14:30:21 UTC
My recipes are my personal variations/proportions. You need 1 1/2 cup olive oil and 1 Tbs sweetener.

What you see in English is exactly what I did for my party:

0.5 cups EV olive oil
1 cup avocado oil

I didn't have olive oil for frying, so I mixed EVOO with avocado oil. I like the result and will do it again exactly the same way. But avocado oil is not easy to find, so in Russian I gave easy substitutions. The same is true for the boiled cider. I had it and I used it, but regular sugar or agave syrup will work. If you are interested in these ingredients - I use Costco's avocado oil (square bottle) and this boiled apple cider http://www.kingarthurflour.com/shop/items/boiled-cider-1-pint

The bread on the picture is one of my favorite! It's name Seedsation. It is very similar to German/Danish breads with 5-7 kinds of seeds.


Re: corrections needed wew_immo October 17 2014, 16:53:06 UTC
Извиняюсь, что влезаю)
Я думаю ту указывают на то, что в русской версии и английской разное кол-во масла.

В английской половина чашки, а в русской больше чем чашка масла
(ведь одна чашка это вроде 240мл)...

в любом случаи, выглядит оочень вкусно.
Мне бы сейчас такую-простуду лечить)))


Re: corrections needed lyukum October 17 2014, 17:50:58 UTC
Не-а! :) Масла одинаковое количество в обоих версиях, по полторы чашки. Только в англоязычной 1 чашка авокадового и пол чашки оливкового холодного отжима, а в русскоязычной - все масло оливковое.


Re: corrections needed wew_immo October 18 2014, 03:37:59 UTC

теперь понятно)


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