해파리소년(Jelly Boy) - Android Girl

Nov 07, 2009 23:32

title: Android Girl
artist: 해파리소년(Jelly Boy)
album: They Dream Daydream Everyday
track number: 05
requested by: gooddaymoderato

슬픈 표정.. 기쁜 표정도 내겐 없는 걸...
sad expression.. glad expression, for me they don't exist...
슬픈 마음.. 기쁜 마음도 내겐 없는 걸...
sad heart.. glad heart, for me they don't exist...

혼자 웃어 보기도 해.. 혼자 울어 보기도 해..
try to laugh alone.. try to cry alone..

두근거림.. 작은 설렘도 내겐 없는 걸...
heart beating.. little flattering, for me they don't exist...
흔한사랑.. 흔한 이별도 내겐 없는 걸...
common love.. common separation, for me they don't exist...

혼자 웃어 보기도 해.. 혼자 울어 보기도 해..
try to laugh alone.. try to cry alone..
혼자 잊어 보기도 해.. 혼자 지워 보기도 해..
try to forget alone.. try to erase alone..

Android Girl... Nothing really matters...

translated by wassereis.livejournal.com
original lyrics: cyworld

- please credit the translator when reposting.
- you must contact the translator for subbing and other redistribution matters.
- constructive criticism is okay; bashing is not. please keep in mind that the translators are not professionals.
- for more questions & concerns, please leave a comment addressing the issue.
- discussion of the lyrics are always welcome!

translator: wassereis, artist: jellyboy, genre: electronica

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