(no subject)

Jun 07, 2007 19:09

The spoiler trolls are at it again already, and I'm being truly paranoid this time around, after being spoiled for HBP on a music community, of all places. So in the next couple of days, I'll be cutting a few communities and only watching a very few that I know have moderated membership and/or posting. I'm too busy at present to do more than that anyway.

Avoiding spoilers: a quick guide. Thanks to cordelia_v, keever, melusinahp and florahart for the various ideas contained herein.

Disable anonymous commenting on your journal. I feel a bit bad about doing this, but I think in the entire history of my LJ I've only had one intentionally anonymous comment, so it shouldn't affect readers of this journal too badly.

ETA: You can also change your comment settings so that only your LJ friends can comment on your posts. Thanks for the reminder, yamasaki! I've also temporarily screened comments on my LJ from anyone who isn't on my flist - since I'm offline mostly at the moment, it seems only fair to other people who might be reading. You can define all of these options here.

In your message settings, disable notifications for when a new person friends you. I've done this, and I'm sorry, I know it might seem uncharitable, but I really don't want to be spoiled. This is my last chance to read a Harry Potter book fresh, without any idea of what's going to happen, and I will be so upset if that gets taken away from me. I've been anally retentive about spoilers since I read the back of a book at the age of fifteen and discovered that my favourite character had been killed off.

You might also want to disable the option that notifies you when you have community invites.

The reason for these last two points is that in the past people have apparently created spoilerific user names and then friended people as a way of spoiling them.

OK, I'm getting more paranoid by the minute...

You could also ask your friends list to commit to not spoiling you, by posting a poll and only reading the journals of those people who undertake via the poll not to spoil you.

The last thing is communities. These are the main route by which people were spoiled last time around, and I feel for moderators, especially those who don't want to be spoiled. Take any communities you don't feel confident about off your daily reading list. You can access the people-only version of your flist at http://[yourusername].livejournal.com/friends?show=p.

To community moderators, I ask you to think about putting the comm(s) on moderated posting if that's feasible for you, and about disabling anonymous commenting temporarily. lore is organising an hp_mods comm which will hopefully help moderators pass on the word about trolls and ban them before they can do too much damage.

Sorry, I know this sounds terribly over the top to a lot of people, but I was spoiled for the last book, and I will be so upset if I'm spoiled for this one, too.

LOTS more to say (hi everyone!) but will put it in a separate post. xx
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