NoseS knows, y'all. NoseS knows.

Jun 29, 2006 15:19

NoseS is cleaning out her desk today, getting rid of stuff -- "You want this old paperweight?", "Hey, I have a rulah I don't need anymoe-ah!" -- when she suddenly says, "Do you want this nose?"

I froze in my chair. My mouth went very, very dry.

"The uh..." I stuttered, swallowing hard. I finally managed to choke out: "... are you talking to me?"

She blew out an impatient sigh. "Yeah, I'm tawking ta YOU, I got this nose, you want it or what?"

"I, uh..."

I mean my GOD, how do I even RESPOND to that, y'all??? Very slowly, I rose from my chair to face the music. Has she found my journal? Is she psychic? HAS SHE SAVED HER SCAB FOR ME?!?!

Cautiously, I peered around the corner, only to see her head whip around in my direction, hand thrusting forward with some indiscriminant object coming toward my face. Do I run? Duck? Dropkick her?

When I was finally able to focus on what was in her hand, I nearly shrieked aloud, both from horror and from IMMENSE GLEE.


What more is there to say, really? How perfect, y'all? How is my life SO PERFECT???

Here, let's see it again, this time from a more subdued view:

Also, because I'm not above it, someone is going to icon this for me, yes?

earning a livin', noses

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