T-minus One and counting...

Jun 29, 2006 11:50

I was going to repost old ones? But these are all from yesterday and this morning. The woman is on a tear, I tell ya.

NoseS prepares everyone in greater Manhattan for her departure, including her favorite commuter buddies

"You know that guy I told you about that is always on the train with me in the mawnings? I think he's deaf or something, or maybe Russian, because you can't talk to him or understand him at awll. Anyway, so I wrote a little note tah give to him so he'd know I wouldn't be riding the train anymoe-ah. I saw him on the train this mawning and I gave him the note, and he nodded and I tell him: I AM NOT RIDING THE TRAIN ANYMORE, and he nods somemoe-ah and smiles at me and says in broken English, 'tank you, tank you'."

[Here she paused reflectively. The rest of us held our collective breaths]

"You know, being Russian and all or deaf or whatever, he could've been saying 'GAWD I'm glad I don't have to see you anymore' for all I know. Oh well!"

NoseS Got a Gun

CC: Somebody shoot me.

NoseS: I'd LOVE to, after all these yee-ahs of you asking for it!

NoseS provides a movie review

"That Superman movie got foe-ah stars. The critics say it's so good, apparently. The only thing is that everybody is wanting to make Superman gay."

[Her voice then rose loud enough to travel over the entire office]

"They all just want him to be GAY, I tell you."

NoseS still doesn't like the Russians

The guy who makes all the mail runs came in to our office to chat. His walkie-talkie started blipping, and after some fuzz and mumbling on the other end, he gave up, shook his head and said, "I can't understand a thing she's saying."

"That's be-cause," NoseS snorted with authority, "they never speak English. Maybe if they tried it sometime, you could figure out what they mean."

NoseS has her hate-on for the sexin'

"Do you remembah that actor who shoved a bottle up somebody and killed them? It was a sex thing."

NoseS proves she either has Alzheimer's or [fill in your own musing here]

This morning NoseS asked-- and let us note I've been working here for over seven months now:

"Yeah, you know, what she said --- her, that new girl, whasser name?"

"Wha?" I mumbled, dragging my head up from reading email.

"You mean [Lyra]?!" CC exclaimed.

I sighed and went back to reading.

earning a livin', noses

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