[ONESHOT] Promise

Dec 30, 2011 13:44

Title: Promise
Word Count: 719
Rating: PG
Pairing: Junhyung/Hyunseung
Summary: A small pomise, that's all I ask for. You understand, right?

A/N: I know this is short as in..really short but I apologize. I just needed a break from writing series and as I am out of inspiration right now, I tried to force myself some and this is the result (Though I finished CH8 for The Circle with the leftovers of this inspiration-shot)


Promise me that you will be strong.

That when you look over your shoulder, you’ll be fine. That you understand there is always someone out there for you - to help, to listen. Be strong so nothing will disturb your mind, so nothing will break you down ever again. Be strong so I won’t have to worry.

“Hyunseung!” He screamed, the rain muffling the sharpness, burying the overbearing sadness that was swallowing him in. His clothes were soaked, he was cold, freezing. His legs were numb, clumsy.

Junhyung didn’t even know what it meant. He was young, too young, hadn’t experienced enough to understand.

“Get your ass back over here!”

He sounded broken and it hurt, it stung and walking had never been this hard before. He wanted to turn around but he couldn’t, he had no right to, not after everything that he had said.

His last glance back was a mistake.

Promise me that you’ll forget the past.

That you won’t think back and regret. Don’t, because it taught you a lot. It taught you love can hurt, love can leave but it also taught how precious it is. It made you grow, made you able to face the future so forget all that is in past and walk on, your head held up high and smile.

“How can I? After everything that happened?” Junhyung asked. He asked it with confusion in his eyes, asked it with a bitter smile that made Hyunseung die a bit inside.

He didn’t know, he only knew it was hard and felt impossible but he was sure Junhyung could do it, he had to do it.

Hyunseung couldn’t face him anymore, all the guilt, all the time he had taken.

All the sacrifices they both had done.

Promise that you’ll never be afraid.

Of what is there to come, of what may end and what may start. Don’t live in the future and don’t live for the future - live for yourself, live as you feel it fit and never be afraid (be over it), never be angry (learn from it) and never take the easy way out (it’s never worth it).

“You’re a coward,” he laughed into Hyunseung’s neck. It tickled but he loved it, every last second of it.

“But it’s fine here, I’ll have you, my family and what else do I need,” Hyunseung replied, his hand followed by Junhyung’s eyes until it went too high, went to tug on his hair just lightly, just enough and in a comforting manner.

He still remembers how Junhyung leaned back to his touch, how he let out shallow breaths against his skin as he mumbled out words they both didn’t even understand.

“Just try,” he whispered, “For me, don’t give up.”

He didn’t want to, he really didn’t.

“But if I get it,” he said, “What about you?”

“I’ll make it somehow.”

Promise me that you’ll strive towards your dreams.

That your achievements mark your life, that you do your best and receive the best. Don’t give up, don’t ever give up - for nothing and never. Be the person you couldn’t be with me but actually are. Be someone who is never being held down.

“I heard you made it,” a voice came behind him, a voice to which Hyunseung turned around, a bit too fast and their eyes met - one pair full of something unexplainable, other guilty, desperate. He didn’t know how he would be able to go, how he would be able to leave everything behind and just go, coldheartedly, just like that.

Hyunseung’s eyes hit the ground, his leg kicking the pebble as he heard the other swing creak. He heard a sigh, a tired sigh and Hyunseung dared to look up.

He never thought his heart could hurt like this.

“I’m sorry.”

And lastly, promise that you’ll find someone better.

Someone who wouldn’t do what I did, someone who would be better at everything I failed at. Maybe you’ll find a girl from a wealthy family, maybe someone in your business. You’ll find her, you’ll be happy with her - that’s all I ask for.

“Hello Hyunseung,” That same voice sounded, now deeper and for a second he didn’t recognize him.

The both had grown up.

Had finally made it.

“It’s been a long time, hasn’t it?”

Just promise.

oneshot, junseung

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