(no subject)

Feb 26, 2009 23:49

I shouldn't be allowed in charity shops. I just shouldn't be allowed. I went down to drop off my father's prescription and walked past the YMCA and drifted in. I found a copy of The Secret History which was terribly pleasing and then I found another book that looked interesting and they were both pretty cheap so I headed up to go and buy them. And on the counter was a stack of four Sherlock Holmes boxsets.

My first reaction was to text la_localfreak and find out if he wanted them as I know he likes Jeremy Brett. But there was no reply. Disaster! What should I do? I didn't want to spend all day there. And the boxsets were pretty. And it might be fun to watch the pretty, pretty Sherlock Holmes ...

So I bought them. A great happy stack. For "checking" to see if they work. My mother thought this was hysterical. I pointed out they would fill a Morse-shaped hole in our lives. She laughed even more. I however, had the last laugh regarding these DVDs.

Mum: *comes in as I watch* Ah, is this Sherlock Holmes?
Me: Yes.
Mum: *sagely* Ah yes, it looks rather like Star Trek.
Me: ................................................?
Mum: You know, when Data's doing it.
Me: ... yeees.

(oh and la_localfreak is very happy to be eventually receiving them so there is a happy ending on all sides here! And he's right - Jeremy Brett is wonderful!)

First 40fandoms fic (I'll try to remember to actually link people to them this year!

Title: Fear of the Dark
Fandom: Detective Academy Q
Rating: PG
Summary: Ryu talks to his grandfather about the dark.
Link: Here

detective academy q, tv, chronicles of lycoris's batty relations

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