(no subject)

Feb 27, 2009 23:30

Today's main event was that I was finally able to scream "NO, NOT THE BEEEEEEEEEES! KILLING ME WON'T BRING BACK YOUR GOD-DAMNED HONEY!" with some degree of conviction. (I was playing Out to Lunch on the gameboy. Turns out in the West Indies levels, these bees come and kill you. I had SIX LIVES and ONE BEE took me down to two. ONE FREAKING BEE!) This may suggest exactly how much was done today. Sleeping badly as caught up with me and my mood is going dooooooooooooown. *sighs sulkily*

Pleasingly however, I have begun to enjoy Pride and Prejudice. I was mournful at first because I started listening to the CDs and just didn't think that much off it, except that it was mildly amusing. But I've got quite into it now. I suspect it's one of those things that suffers greatly from being too well known - what's the point of really getting into it, you know the plot already. So of course, when you reach a bit you don't know, it's more engaging. (I know the main plot, not any of the subplots so I'm all "Wickham? Who is this man? Oooh, intrigue!") And Darcy is actually really rather adorable and I want to pat him on the head.

I would just like to say that having Sherlock Holmes have a picture of a waterfall on his wall is just mean MEAN I say! :D But I'm still enjoying them - I love how Jeremy Brett swings from being all quiet and polite and screaming at people, it seems quite fitting. Am definietely trying to slash him and Watson now though. This makes me feel vaguely soiled and yet it appears inescapable. Whoops?

tv, random, books

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