(no subject)

Feb 25, 2009 23:40

I meant to tell this story on Sunday but I forgot and robert_frogg reminded me today because as she said, it's too good to waste.

So. robert_frogg and I are together, chatting about nothing when Mum comes in.

Mum: Dear, can you get Grandma and Aunt some guest towels?
Me: *play-grumpy* I always have to get them guest towels! Why do they need guest towels?
Mum: People need guest towels when they are guests.
Me: I never get a guest towel when I go to robert_frogg's!
Mum: Well, when it's family, that's different, but for guests ...
robert_frogg: *dissolves into laughter* Um ... Aren't they actually your family?!
Mum: *blink blink* Well, yes, I suppose they are ...

Sometimes, I feel the priorities of the family are not quite on straight. :D

Yesterday, I was reading The Kenneth Williams Diaries and I reached an entry on the 29th November 1975 saying "Doctor Who is sillier than ever." I smiled fondly. Then I reached down and grabbed one of my books and looked up exactly which episode aired on the 29th November so I knew what he was insulting! I hoped for a second he was bitching about Pyramids of Mars but he wasn't, it was episode 2 of the Android Invasion. Which is, apparently, pretty silly. :) And ends with Sarah's face falling off. I probably can't complain. (although the editor says it's a show for children and addicts. Cheeky swine! :D)

Am sleeping horrendously at the moment and it's frustrating. I'm mostly managing to stop myself fretting but last night it didn't really work which annoys me. I just couldn't turn off and kept feeling irritated and irritation never helps with sleep. Humph. Dozed off while at robert_frogg's today but only briefly. We watched Robin Hood: Men in Tights which was lovely as I haven't seen it in ages. I must dig out my copy of Dracula: Dead and Loving It! now. And we've MOVED OFF ALGEBRA! HURRAH! (I just hope I've mastered it - I think maybe I should try having a little practise of some of these because otherwise, I'll never manage them when I actually have an exam!)

doctor who, chronicles of lycoris's batty relations, random, books

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