icon dump

Jun 22, 2009 23:33

heya guys. i'll post something actual later. now is the time for ICONS!

Title/Description: Momma's Boy
Creator: Lyanth
Claim: Blue Beetle III @ dcu_freeforall
Characters/Pairing: Jaime Reyes and his mom :3 (along with cameos by Guy Gardner, Paco, Brenda, Jaime's dad, and Milagro's forehead)
Rating: from G to light-ish R (for swearing, nakedness, and sexual [not really] subtext)
Prompt: Jaime and his mom
Disclaimer: Don't own, DC does. Base art by Rafael Albuquerque.
Author's Notes/Warnings: Just wanted to stretch out my icon-making skills on some nice happy icons. Or, well, it started that way. 61 of these suckers later, I'm not so sure.
Anyways, here are the three that are for my prompt, while all the rest are hanging beyond the cut. The others kinda wandered off of the prompt, but I think that's okay. At least they're all from the same story arc (End Game, fyi).
Also, in the strange case that you haven't read Blue Beetle, you not only should get on that now, but don't click the link. I mean, I did avoid anything that would give away major plot stuff, but there be inter-character relationship spoilers ahead. You have been warned!

- Crediting, commenting, and friending is love, but not required
-Let me know if I spelled something wrong (my english isn't much better than my non-existent spanish)
-Also let me know if you like one, but want different text or something. It should be np ^^












[ETA] #8 edited for spelling ^^; thanks phoenix_spawn !
[ETA 2] #11 edited for spelling~ Thank you bienegold!

that's all folks,

<3 l

blue beetle, green lantern, jaime reyes, icons, prompt table

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