What is this madness?

Jun 17, 2009 23:28

Heya everyone!

So it looks like there are some fresh faces on the flist ^^ again, its nice to meet you all, and i hope you enjoy what you find here amongst the ridiculous.

In celebration of the end of finals, this post shall be Choose You Own Adventure themed!

Page 85: DC Related Business
Okay. So I'm starting to get my foot in the door in the DCU fandom. let me just say that so far everyone has been really awesome and i'm looking forward to being more involved. xD Huzzah for fandom!
Also, I don't know if any of you out there read Power Girl (no. 2 just came out today!), but I gotta say I'm continuing to enjoy it. The way that Amanda Conner illustrates emotions and movements (like the dudes falling from the roof! so hilarious) is really inspiring. The story isn't half bad either. I actually kinda feel for Ultrahumanite, though the fact that he wants to take over PG's body and all other weirdness is still TOTALLY CREEPY.
I've also been reading Young Justice. OMG I LOVE IT SO FREAKING MUCH. I could probably go on forever about the silly cute things they do and how the writing is horribly funny, but all I will say is that I want to cosplay their baseball outfits like HARDCORE. Any takers?
And last but not least, I finally got curious about what Tim's been up to and read Red Robin #1, and I actually kinda liked it. Though all of the batman poses he was doing all over and the internal monologue was a little much for me, i luffies it. Poor Tim breaking vases. I'm probably going to go and actually buy it tomorrow. ^^;

Page 361: Art Junk
Well, just kinda kidding with that. Sorta. No actual art posted, but talk of it. I did actually create a prompt table for Jaime Reyes/Blue Beetle III with the explicit idea of completing it over the break I have before summer quarter. I've found that I'm drawing a lot more than I used to, and I am getting better, but I don't really have direction. So I figure with a prompt table, it'll be a nice challenge to focus my fun drawing time a little more while still just drawing without too much stress. Because trust me, after having drawing tests and paintings due, I am ready to just relax and draw for fun. (Yeah, I'm surprised I want to draw at all).
Other art projects this break will include continued work on my graphic novel, and hopefully some paintings, but I'm just going to draw fun fan art for a bit before I really dive back in.
Also, I will be posting my finals over on my DA account. you should check it out
Lastly (in this chapter), I'm looking into icon making again. I think it'd be a nice way to be artistic while not having to get frustrated at my inability to draw muscles. so keep an eye for some 99x99s here soon

Page 205: GQMFs and Chuck
OH GQMFs. Just thought I'd mention it because I find it so lol and awesome. I'm excited for this friday. Apparently there is going to be meet-up awesomeness (so says chaoticvein, the voice of awesome)! I will be wearing my GQMF pleather jacket xDDDD see you peeps there!
As for Chuck, I started marathoning it while working on my final projects. i'm about half-way through the second season (just watched the 3D episode sans-glasses o.O), and I feel like i'm picking up on a lot more this time around than when it was airing on TV. The one thing that has amused me to no end is Morgan/Cpt. Awesome (no not slash! guys! come on...). Seriously, whenever the words "Captain Awesome", "Morgan", and "advice" are ever in the same sentence you know that at least Ellie will be beating her head against a brick wall somewhere. I think its adorable. (Though I love Ellie too and wouldn't really wish anything horrible on her). I have high hopes for season three!

Page 34: Porn
Haha gotcha bitches!
Well, actually, there will be porn. And there has been. you just gotta look for it. Heh >:3

Page 163: RL Crack
RL actually isn't that bad. Finals are over. My sister is doing pretty well. My mom broke her pinkie-toe (/facepalm), but is otherwise fine, and my dad is serious-business-as-usual. I'm really happy about all the new prospects and people I've been meeting. I'm excited for next quarter, and I'm happy with what I accomplished this past quarter. Roughly, things are still looking up.
And the fact that you're still reading says something too :)


And now for a poll! Help me decide what new theme/background I should use for my lj! (bonus points for spotting the typo!)

Poll Lya's LJ Theme WTF MasterPoll

[ETA] hell yeah i voted in my own poll!

blue beetle, goku, cosplay, gqmf, jaime reyes, fic, prompt table, red robin, tim drake, lj, samus, comics, poll, chuck, art, khaji da, power girl

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