off leash

Feb 01, 2015 13:35

Another mother at daycare described the exact moment when her daughter stopped hovering near her in public and began hiding in store clothing racks and running wildly away as "losing her invisible leash." Alice has been slowly going farther and farther and last week she officially broke free of the leash altogether. Can't catch me! I'm your two year old! Is actually a terrible game, and until I figure out how to handle it, we will only be going places that I know and that have clear space by the exits where someone will see and stop her if she runs out.

Alice's imagination is growing wildly each day.. She plays "school" and "ride on a big airplane" and demands to wear her bear hat and blanket cape in public. It's oh so cute and totally exhausting.

She also made progress -- sort of -- on potty training. I offered her jelly beans for pooping or peeing in a potty and now she asks to go throughout the day, grunts and tries to poo and demands an ellybean. She doesn't quite get the connection though amd still makes lots of dirty diapers. But every once in a while stars align and it works, and she is crazy excited when it does. I think she just doesn't know her body very well yet. Hilariously she asks to drink water now where previously she made faces and yelled if I offered her any. I told her water helps you pee and now she wants water to pee.

I am not pregnant but I have been having crazy cravings: strawberry ice cream, strawberry milkshake, sour cream and cheddar potato chips, cheese-its, shrimp purse, sweet and sour soup, squash soup, southwest burger, tater tots, strawberry shortcake, sweet potato fries with mayo and hot sauce, meatballs, prime rib, saag paneer, creamed spinach, eggs florentine, chili rellenos, jalepeno poppers, fried chicken and German pancakes.

I keep trying to figure out if this is anxiety, vitamin defficiency or what, but it's making me crazy.
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