My goodness, once again we have an Executive Branch with people who know what they are doing. Of course, the previous crew left SUCH a mess.
I'm getting really eager to get a covid-19 vaccine, even though I am not yet eligible for one. I've managed to avoid the coronavirus for THIS long and don't want to catch it at the tail end of the pandemic. What was that question John Kerry asked when he was a young man -- who wants to be the last person to die for a hopeless cause?
Speaking of the pandemic, the next Balticon, which has been held over Memorial Day weekend in this century, is going virtual again for 2021: R. will be sorely disappointed, because he goes to cons only, he says, to visit with friends in person. (He's the type of guy who rereads his favorite SF and fantasy books over and over again, because they are his "old friends." While I occasionally reread things, I never tire of discovering new-to-me books.)
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