I had a short-article deadline of noon today. I got that puppy done with plenty of time to spare. No way was I going to miss the festivities!
Over breakfast I saw He Who Must Not Be Named Here Again give his "farewell speech." One last chance to spew the Big Lie. With a soundtrack ranging from "Gloria" to "YMCA" to "My Way." Could he have gotten any tackier?
I managed to keep my eyes dry until Vice President Harris was halfway through her oath. Then the floodgates opened. I kept wiping my eyes with tissues until the band finished playing "Hail to the Chief" for President Biden. As one of my fellow science-writer friends noted, today was a banner day for Kleenex.
The inaugural address was like balm for a weary nation's soul. The young poet laureate who spoke her words was a powerful boost. Our Toastmaster for the evening (at our online Toastmasters club meeting) cited her as an excellent example for us.
Today the boy toy cooked Pennsylvania and Delaware foods: scrapple for breakfast, goulash (a cheesy version of American chop suey) for lunch, and the roast chicken dinner special from the local co-op, because Delaware produces lots of chickens.
I wasn't expecting Katy Perry to provide the firepower for the evening television program, but the surprise fireworks were dazzling. The sound carried all the way out to my little Beltway suburb. Sound carries farther in the cold, dry winter air. Within minutes, people all over town who weren't watching TV were posting on Facebook about the possible gunshots or explosions.
Good night, all.
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