Peace - for the time being

May 29, 2007 07:55

MIL and wally left for Sydney, Adelaide and Alice Springs yesterday morning - bliss.  The week didn't get any better, I'm afraid.  To his other bad habits can now be added - nor flushing the toilet, talking with his mouth full, and chewing with his mouth open.  Sitting opposite him at meal times is disgusting.

P has an interview this morning.  The company sounds like where I work, so I hope he gets the job and we can get the visa sorted sometime soon.

Spoke to my Nan last night.  My family are horrible - it makes me glad to be in Australia.  My auntie and cousins just use her when they want money, and then ignore her when things are going well.  R gets her money in September, and I'm really worried about her.  The rest of the wasters in the family will have it all off her and up in a cloud of smoke before the signature on the cheque is even dry.  The whole lot of them are complete dopeheads.  J put his fist through a mirror and caused tendon damage because Nan gave T food instead of money that he could use to buy drugs.  I really hope R grows a backbone in the next three months so she can hold on to the money.  It should be a sizeable amount, and could be enough to set her up for the rest of her life, or at least get her through Uni without any debt.  I hope she sticks close to Nan and locks it away where they can't get to it.

P has just rung to say they've offered him the job.  He's so excited.  Will have to ring visa agent and see what's happening.


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