My Grandpa died last week. And although I've posted a ton of random stuff to my lj in the interveaning days, I just realized I never said anything about that. Like maybe it's more a symptom of how I view my lj than of how I see my grandpa. Goodness knows a lot of the stuff I post about si either 'net related or frivolous---and I don't post that often either. And it's not like I'm totally detached from the fact that my Grandpa died. I've told some people I've run into. I've told my boss, because I'm going to be gone Monday and Tuesday of next week for the funeral. And I've been helping my dad out by putting together a slideshow of pictures of his life and that's going to be really neat to show at the funeral.
But on some level it really isn't affecting me a lot. I mean, my Grandpa was in the late stages of Alzeheimers. So in a sense, he's been gone for years now. He started to get bad about the time I went off to college, and went into a care facility. And I just sort of distanced myself from the whole situation. That's a normal part of growing up, right? To feel less affected by things that happen to your family when they're far away?
I think it would have been weirder if I hadn't been in Florence on vaction when he died. Because I was around my family, I felt things more. Espeically being around my dad, who lost his father. I think if I had been here and they had just called me I would have felt really unemotional and a little lost. So I'm glad I was there.
Putting together the pictures has been good, because I'm remembering what it was like when I was younger and we spent a lot of time at Fern Ridge lake boating. This one, from when I was first learning how to double ski, is my favorite.