Because it's Beauty in the Breakdown

Oct 10, 2007 00:59

I have to be 150km up the coast in 7 hours, but who cares? Two hour car trips are made for sleeping.

To the Immie fans on my f-list,

No matter how much you hate Youtube, check these out. They’re truly amazing, and she… is all I stand for in music. I really admire artists who can sing well live, right? And now, seeing her work with the electronics, especially on SNL, it’s really mindblowing. I adore her, and have for a couple of years now. How the time flies. JB-HI FI (or Gary) should really get in a copy of Frou Frou or iMegaphone already. -hurrumphs- SNL Goodnight & Go Just for Now, Live on Radio

(& at about 4 minutes you see all the radio crew in awe. It’s amazing.)

And my personal favourite, Hide & Seek, Live Radio.

Although, after seeing that performance with JFN, I think I’m in love with clapping, and that song. I only wish she had Moment recorded live. Illegally on Youtube, that is.


ETA: I just realised. Ignore all the blasphemous comments about Immie sounding like a guy. >>

ETA: I found Let Go, Frou Frou! AND, it’s live. Oh, I’m adoring youtube right now. But hating the British woman voiceovering. I never have liked that accent, you know >>

music, imogen heap

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