I know a few of my f-list are humanitarians, some are greenies, and some are interested in a combination of the three, ir just simply like helping whereever they can.
My English teacher showed me this amazing website, where you just click the answer, and you donate 10 grains of rice to hungry people through the UN.
http://www.freerice.com/index.php It gives you a word, and four options. After three words, you get a rating out of fifty. Get one wrong, your rating goes down by one to make the words easier. Get three right, it goes up by one. The 1:3 ratio helps to challenge you, but also to help you learn new vocab words.
-adds to daily list-
I think it's fabulous, frankly. It won't take more than 5 minutes out of your day. Try and reach a goal of at least 100 grains a day - that's a very, very small bowl for one person, but it's 100 grains of rice they didn't previously have.
It's free, and the sponsers pay for it. Have a go, if only for the selfish reaosn of expanding your vocabulary :).
Have fun!