Title: Reframing
Author: scotianova
banner: moerlin
Beta: bluecactus03 ♥Thank you!♥
Warnings: none (maybe N-17 in the end)
Words: 4331
Disclaimer: We don't own Luke nor Reid - we write FF just for fun!
Basically I wanted to write a little something for FFF “One is such a lonely number” (
http://lure-atwt.livejournal.com/2757501.html) - in honor of ESS’ awesome acting. Since I didn’t get anything done back then but couldn’t get the great pic out of my head either, I decided to write a short story about Reid celebrating New Year’s Eve in Paris - alone…BUT...there's a happy ending!
Pt 1:
http://scotianova.livejournal.com/62326.html Pt 2: