why i am thoroughly dreading next wednesday's episode

May 14, 2010 22:56

Yay Lure is on next Wednesday. I'm not happy.

First of all is a petty reason: When I read the spoiler a week or so ago about Reid and Luke keeping their relationship on the DL, I was like YAY OMG THEY ARE HAVING RELATIONS and secretive or not, I was excited. In fact, I was almost looking forward to them sneaking around. Come on, they're already a spicy couple, and being sneaky would only make everything better. Instead, judging by the preview, they seem to be talking about PAST relations. Like, they shouldn't tell anyone about what's already happened. Poop.

Second reason is more legitimate: Reid is pressuring Luke to keep a secret Luke doesn't seem all that happy to keep. This can only mean bad news. Luke, whether or not he abides by Reid's warning (and especially if he does), will soon buck against Reid (and not the good kind of bucking I like to read about in fanfic). Reid will suddenly seem like a bad guy and the whole thing could blow up in their faces. Luke could accuse Reid of warning him against telling Noah just because he's jealous or Luke may be suddenly struck by a sense of righteousness that causes him to think badly of Reid. And so on and so on.

The third reason is just that it seems so incredibly out of character for Reid to want to keep something quiet. Luke was just telling Lily that one of the reasons he is so attracted to Reid is that he's open and honest, even if that means getting in your face. While Reid could actually have Noah's best interests at heart, I kind of think that's not all that's going on here, and Luke will probably think the same way. Reid shouldn't be suggesting skulking around...if anyone were to do that, it would be Luke.


I need some seriously good fanfic now to cheer me up. Bucking?
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