ATTN: Fic writers, Luke and Reid ( LuRe) BigBang Challenge!!

May 15, 2010 04:52

Hi everyone
Hope its okay with the lovely mods to post this here as this is fun way to bring all the Luke and Reid authors together and hopefully we can be the recipients of some great LuRe fic in the future. I know  we've got so many great authors on lj as well.. So now presenting the Lure BIGBANG!

Calling all writers and artists! A new challenge for you all has been decided: A Luke & Reid Big Bang!

Maybe some of you are familiar with Big Bangs, and maybe some of you aren’t. Those of you who are, please indulge me as I explain it anyways. A Big Bang is, for all intents and purposes, just a way to force writers to get out a fan fiction within a given length of time. No procrastinating, because you have a time limit, and no cutting corners because it all has to be finished. (No chaptered fictions that have yet to be finished.)

This is how it will work: Sign-ups will last for two weeks, (until midnight, US Central time zone, May 29, 2010) for both writers and artists. During and after this time, people are welcome to post writing prompts in another thread which will be posted. During/after sign-ups, authors are welcome to claim a prompt from the thread, or come up with their own. A week after sign-ups close, (June 5, 2010) authors will be required to post either their chosen prompt, or a summary of their intended fan fiction in the designated thread. After June 5, no more prompts may be posted.

The Artist's Claim will begin on June 12. The artists will each choose one fan fiction and will make a banner for that fan fiction. (Depending on the number of sign-ups, artists may be assigned a second or third fan fiction to create artwork for.) You are encouraged to collaborate with the author, to make sure you are both happy with the finished product.

There will also be a sign-up for beta-readers. Simply sign-up in the given thread. Multiple authors may contact you, but you are welcome (and encouraged in the concern for your sanity) to set a limit as to how many authors you will beta for. Authors are encouraged, though not required, to have a beta reader for their fan fiction. If you choose not to, please let the reason be because you are a very good self-editor. There will be no closing sign-up date for beta readers, or for choosing a beta reader.

Specific rules for each group will be posted in the sign-up threads. Also, please note that you are allowed to sign-up for more than one group, however, you will not be allowed to beta or create artwork for your own fan fiction.

Deadline is tentatively scheduled for July 2- - 20 k minimum words!!

Now, dust off that keyboard, get ready, and let the Big Bang begin!

Please go here, Luke and Reid Online (
for more information including:
  FAQ'S, prompts, author and artist's sign ups threads and plenty more. And Lj users you can link to your stories on your sites.
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