(no subject)

May 12, 2010 22:35

Name: Kristine
Location: Nova Scotia, Canada
Age: 20

What other shows do you like to watch?
Castle, Chuck, House, Grey's Anatomy

What attracted you to Luke/Reid?
Their chemistry, the way they interact with eachother, and just Reid as a character, he is sooo funny and i love his sarcasm

How did you find out about this group?
I have been on LROline reading facfictions, and that lead me here.

Do you make icons? Write fic? Other such creative things?
I have always wanted to write a fanfic but I dont think I write that well, so i stick to reading them and commenting on everyones wonderful writing.

Other As the World Turns pairings you love?
Maddie/Casey (younger version)
also love the pairing of Katie/Reid, Hank/Reid, and  Bob/Reid (everyone that reid interacts with)

Favorite ATWT Quote (does not have to be from Reid and/or Luke)
Most of my favorites are from reid and or Luke talking with reid

"I'm a nerosurgeon...that means I operate on brains"

(in court after Bob says he can work at the hospital under his watch) "can i still choose jail"

"can you just pull out your gun and shoot me" (after hitting kims car)

"I always knew you were a bastard, i just didnt know it was offical" (has got to be one of my most favorites)

"if you frisk me, im gonna expect you take me out to dinner"

(luke and reid in dallas) " keep repeating your montra... dont be an ass"
L- "your more than a doctor"
R- "what else am i"
L- "an Urban Cowboy"

!!intro post

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