yay for random!

May 12, 2010 18:42

Hey everyone, this is super random, but I was thinking about Lure (of course) and how a lot of people compare the relationship to that of Brian and Justin from QAF. It makes sense - young, impulsive blond and hot, older, successful professional. Even Luke's lips remind me of Justin's (ESPECIALLY in the second and third kiss).

But I began to realize their relationship is WAY more like Michael's in the first season, no? Michael and Luke are both younger than their respective boyfriends (who both happen to be doctors), completely swept them off their feet, both are incredibly childish (Michael with his comic toys and Luke with his bouncing, etc), neither has come as far along as their boyfriends (Michael even less than Luke, but though Luke has the foundation, he never finished college and Reid went to Harvard).

ANYWAY this is pointless but I'm trying to fill the time up between now and when I get to watch tomorrow's episode. Comment with more similarities/disagreements/other couples? -is desperate for distraction-


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