Intro Post

May 12, 2010 19:35

 Hey! I've been lurking here forever and figured I'd come out and say hello! Not sure why I didn't do this sooner, as I'm super active on other LuRe/ATWT related sites!

Name: Casey
Age: 17
Location: New Jersey, USA

What other shows do you watch?

American Idol
So You Think You Can Dance (in the summer)
Dancing with the Stars
The Soup
LA Ink
...  I mostly just re-watch ATWT episodes these days, though. ;)

What attracted you to Luke/Reid?

I am a Reid fan first and foremost. To put it simply - what ever train he's on, I'm on. :D He's the most brilliantly portrayed character I've ever seen. I could go on for days about how amazing and mesmerizing I find him to be. He's simply the best.

How did you find out about this group?

Well, I started off over at Soap Opera Central, where I'm a "regular", lol. I'm on that site chatting constantly just about the show in general. Since Reid showed up, I started spending the majority of my time on the Reid/Luke/Noah threads. That then lead to my finding out about LROnline, which is FABULOUS, and that brought me here!

Do you make icons, write fics, do other creative things?

I write fanfiction. I've already written several fics for LROnline, I'll be sure to get them posted here soon!

What other ATWT pairings do you like?

Both Past and Present:

Alexandra Chando's Maddie/Zach Roerig's Casey

Favorite ATWT quote (doesn't have to be LuRe related)?

I know it doesn't have to be Reid related, but ALL my favorite lines come from him. It's nearly impossible to pick just one, but I think I'm going to go with:

"You can't just leave him here! What if he trips over a nurse?"

God, I don't know what we did before this man came to Oakdale. 

!!intro post

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