
May 12, 2010 19:07

 Hey all!  So I'm super super new to actually being a part of livejournal in general.. but I've been lurking around this community for a while so I decided to finally get over my shy-ness and introduce myself! Now I can squee along with you guys when our boys are on (it's quite lonely to squee by yourself)

Name: Bess
Location: Maryland
Age: 16

What other shows do you like to watch?:
Lost, Modern Family, How I Met Your Mother, Big Bang Theory, Supernatural

What attracted you to Luke/Reid?:
First, I love Luke. I grew to love Nuke fan, but the last few months have been so disappointing and I've just become completely annoyed by Noah, Luke deserves better. I've been in love with Reid since the moment he came on the show and I love him and Luke together. They're perfect!

How did you find out about this group?:
I was searching for Luke/Reid fanfiction and this popped up! So glad it did!

Do you make icons? Write fic? Other such creative things?:
I write some fic... but very little and really it's not very good... I pretty much stick to reading it

Other As the World Turns pairings you love?:
Jack/Carly. And, well they're not pairings, but I love Holden, Katie, and Henry just as characters.

Favorite ATWT quotes?:
Reid: So you're telling me that if I had told you that I'm a Pisces, yet, ironically, allergic to fish, you and I would have bonded?

BTW, I still don't really know what I'm doing with the whole livejournal thing, but I'm hoping to figure out how to comment and other fun things soon! 

!!intro post

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