What a day. We took Värtti to the vet because she seemed to be sick. It turns out that she has a urinary tract infection for which she got antibiotics. Poor thing. She was already much better after we got home from the vet.Considering that I had nothing planned for the weekend, I've been really busy. Yesterday I went snowshoeing with mom. We went around this small lake where we often go swimming in the Summers.
Later that day me and Orasi finally installed my new bookshelves on the wall. It was a bit tricky and I probably wouldn't have managed it on my own, or it would've taken a lot more time. The wooden shelves and black shelf holders look nice against the green paint on the wall. And the overall effect is airy, just like I wanted. I'm very pleased with the bookshelf. Last night I also hunted down all the books that I had squirreled away in different places around my room in wait of more bookshelf space. Some of them had been in boxes since last Springs renovations. I'm especially pleased to have all of my cookbooks in the same place. And now I even have empty bookshelf space. Wonderful. ^^
Orasi taught me how to use the drill (porakone) for making holes and attaching screws onto walls and stuff. It wasn't all that difficult. I was just unsure of a couple of points, like how you choose what sized holes you need for what screws, and how you change the drill bits (poranterä) on the drill. (Are they seriously called "drill bits"? That's weird. In Finnish they're called literally "drill blades", which sounds very weird in English.) I also learned, through practise, how much easier it is to drill star shaped screws compared to the Philips + shaped screws.Also, I finally bought a new phone. I've been using Nydi's old phone since my old phone broke down in... October? I got fed up with looking for a phone so I just went to a store with a big phone selection and asked the sales person for a Nokia phone with GPS and Internet capabilities, but not a Lumia phone. There was exactly one option: Nokia
C5-00, so I bought that and a 16GB memory card for it (for mp3s).
It's starting to look more and more unlikely that I'll be able to retrieve the data, phonebook contacs from 2004 onward included, from my old broken phone, so I'd appreciate it, if you could send me your phone number (if you want me to have it) through email, FB or comments here (I'm screening the comments so that your comment won't show to other people, which also means that I won't be able to answer to comments, as that makes the comment visible to everyone). I've got my roleplaying friends' numbers, except for
windelmon. I'm lacking all of my Uni friends' numbers. I think that I've got Jiji's and Haku's numbers on Nydi's old phone and I can get them from there. Of my orchestra friends I've got only Mary's number. I'm supposed to meet MM tomorrow. I'm hoping that she'll text me before then so that I can get her number without changing back to Nydi's old phone where I have her number. ^^;
wgarv, I've also lost your number. I'll probably have to start asking people for their number on FB, as most people are there.Last week I was at Helsinki to run an errand, which didn't work quite as planned, so I decided to go for a stroll so that the whole trip wouldn't have been a waste of time. It was also a good opportunity to test out my new Winter shoes, which I finally bought. I don't remember, if I've mentioned that. There were only two pairs left in the store and they were on a mighty good sale to boot. (Oh, pun. Sorry.) My new shoes are really warm and they keep the water out. Anyway, I ended up walking a bit further than I first intended: I walked from the "border" of Munkkiniemi and Meilahti to Leppävaara, about eight kilometers in total, following the shoreline. There were some posh houses in Munkkiniemi and a posh looking Hilton hotel as well. I stopped at Akseli Gallen-Kallela's museum for a rest, some food and the see the museum, which I've wanted to visit for ages but never have because it's so difficult to get there by bus. The
Tarvaspää cafe there was a real treat and it was really relaxing as well because I was the only customer there. xp I'd place it among my favorite cafes in Espoo, if it wasn't so bloody expensive. Why are museum cafe's always so expensive?
I think that I've in pretty good shape as the eight kilometer walk didn't leave me exhausted. I was tired, but my legs didn't hurt or anything like that. I could've walked further still. It's probably all that showshoeing.Man I have a lot of things to write about. I'm never getting to bed at this rate. Last weekend we had a choir camp with another choir. There were only seven people from our choir there. I got to know the tenors in the other choir a bit. I even learned a couple of new names. So a huge success socially speaking, as I usually suck at getting to know new people IRL. And there was singing. I even tried to sing basso on a couple of songs, which was a new experience. I couldn't hit the lowest notes, so I'll stick to singing tenor and alto.