I haven't updated since last Thursday, right? I've been busy, and when I haven't been busy I've been working on a longer post. I might as well make an update now as I'm rather fed up with writing that longer post.
Okey, Friday was fun. I watched some Medium and in the evening we left for Vigil's place for some pancakes and Guitar Hero II! It was my first time at Vigil's flat. Our roleplaying gang was also there and Vigil's roommate. We played Guitar Hero for the whole night and it was a blast. I already forgot all the English words for playing the guitar so it's a bit difficult to explain what it was like and what I learned to do. But it sure was fun. :D I want a Guitar Hero of my own so bad. My brother had a natural talent for it and he moved forward from the easy songs after a couple of song. Dunno how he was so good at it on his first time.
We also played Wii, which was a lot of fun as well. I have my own Wii character now. :p We played tennis, bowling and boxing with the Wii. I think that I got a bit too exited with the tennis, but it was so much fun. And everyone laughed at my Wii bowling. X3 My first throw was so hilarious. I walked to the bowling line and then just kinda dropped the ball on the lane where it rolled very slowly towards the bowls, so slowly. And it was a strike. Haha. I got another strike sometime later, but bowling without a real ball was kinda difficult. I just couldn't get the hang of it. Not that I really know how to bowl as I've bowled maybe once in my whole life. ^^;
Anyway, we got home from Vigil's around 3AM. I want to play more Guitar Hero.
So, on Saturday I watched a bit more of Medium and baked some French bread (patonkeja). I made some with garlic and others with goat cheese. The goat cheese ones were good but maybe a bit too salty as the cheese is salty. Maybe if I used less of it? I took the breads to the party where I was going. It was the bd party for one of my orchestra friends (I really need to think up some sort of nicks for them).
I didn't know anyone at the party besides my friend and my other orchestra friend who came with me. There were about 15 people at the party and 4-5 of them were couples. It was kinda weird. Not many of my friends are dating, you know. :p We played truth or dare for a long time there. That was also kinda strange as I now know a lot about the sex life of my friend's friends, but if you asked me, I couldn't tell you what they were studying or where my friend knew them from. I guess that most of the people there knew each other already. It was strange how they could talk about sex for hours. Isn't there anything else interesting to talk about in your lives? In a way it was also kinda childish. "In how many holes has something been put in you? Tee hee" They didn't know me so nobody asked me anything like that. Or maybe they decided that I was no fun after it was clear that I'm not dating anyone, nor have been for the past three years. It was amusing because I think that they totally dismissed me in their search for "perverts", or whatever. You should watch out for the quiet ones. ;p Anyway, I got home from the party around 2AM.
Nothing much happened on Sunday. I finished watching the second season of Medium (22 episodes in total). The second season is a bit repetitive, but they still often have some sort of trick to the episode. I tried to work on my bike and I got as far that I got the back tire off the bike, but we were out of that stuff that you to fix a leak, I dunno what they're called in English but in Finnish they're paikkaustarvikkeet. As I couldn't work on my bike I worked on my post.
Today I've been writing since I woke up. Around 7PM I got tired of that and read some fanfics. It's been a pretty boring day.
I just had a great idea. I've been listening to Ayreon's music for the past couple of days. Here and there I've also listened to Vitas. If
Arjen Lucassen, the man behind Ayreon, would use the voice of
Vitas in one of his projects, that would be a dream come true for me. I know that Arjen uses different singers in his albums and is looking for new talents all the time. Just thinking what he could do with a voice like Vitas'... They probably don't know about each other as one's from Russia and the other one from the Netherlands.