I'm failing

Sep 02, 2014 00:57

At life so hard right now, in a very Luoesque way, of course XD

Let's start with the angry red spots all over my knees. It's not bruises and I didn't fall or anything like that XD That's just, well, the result of sitting on my knees on the bath mat and with all the shifting, it scratched away some layers of skin. It's not painful through, more like an annoying constant itch. Totally my fault though XD I did take a photo because it's impressive the surface I succeeded in getting all scratched: all around the knee and under and just how the fuck did I do that?! I didn't even notice until I was out and was like 'knees feel weird' then 'oops'.

Then, bath related, again, I must have dropped some water/tea on my MacBook trackpad because I spent the whole time trying to write while fighting against a rebelling cursor that'd move, click, zoom, change desktop while my consent and it won't be back to normal for a while. Still totally my fault though XD

And with my brain dancing the samba in my head and eyes telling me to fuck off, no way I'm gonna be able to write about messy family matters. Even more when I've been trying to get the damn thing written for the last few hours XD

To be honest I've been literally completely useless today and done none of the things I wanted to do: like answering to comments, icon, get the article done, etc.

And random notes:

1) It's possible to be 2 hours late to your own wedding.
2) This sentence will probably seems very weird to you because that's Luospeak without translation filter since my sole neuron is off but I can actually feel my heart beating in my knees (in other words, the pulse of the blood passing there).
3) I watched Into the Dalek and it's even more perfect than Deep Breath... And now that I think about it, I should probably precise that when I say that something is perfect, I never mean that it's 'flawless'. And I'll probably write a more detailed review of Deep Breath soon because there are things that bothered me. Plus, I've got much DW-talking to do with lots of people so a proper review would be great for me not to have to cupa everything I said from one convo to another.

I'm definitely going to bed right now before this post gets even randomer and I completely stop being understandable. By the way, cupa means copy/past (or cut/past). If it can reassure you, it wouldn't be much better in French XD

personal: life, personal: family, fail, random

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