Quick update before I go straight to bed

Sep 01, 2014 05:35

Not about the wedding, but I can already tell you there'll a fucking giant messy messiness of doom (but then, my family is quite entertaining XD).

Obviously, I've missed Into the Dalek, but I won't watch it now because last time I watch something in that state of exhaustion, it was American Horror Story (yes, Mandy, I finally gave in... And not even a cuddle mate with me XD) and I dozed of during a part of the episode... Or rather, I could still hear the screams while I was dreaming awake. So apparently, the sound of bad things happening onscreen doesn't stop me from resting (not proper sleep, but well, it's still resting). Well, at least, the dreaming part was not AHS-related. And by the way, I completely love Tate. And Constance XD

Apart from that, I got some Gabriel icons here and I'm quite glad to say I'm getting a bit better at working with yellow gold. One day, I might even stop being racist and actually do some yellow gold icons without having it as a theme XD And, Azzie, since we were talking about that kind of stuff last time:

See the stripe on the left? It's to hide the fact that I've accidentally moved one of the layer a pixel to the right. The base layer since it made a transparent stripe. And since I only noticed when I had already exported to png and closed the thing, I had to improvised XD

PS: The annoyed mood just comes from the fact I had to ask for an extension for one of the comm and I'm a bit cross with myself for that *sighs* It's not an actually annoyed-annoyed.

american horror story, graphics, fail

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