[#198] Mad gypsy skills.

Jul 12, 2007 16:27

Hokay! Time to make that "Deathly Hallows" prediction post I've been composing in my head for months.

*The trio + Ginny survive. Yes, I know that’s incredibly optimistic of me but I think Jo has spent too much time and planning on R/Hr and H/G not to have them go on and make freckled babies with bad hair. Srsly.

I do have a bad feeling about Ron though, insofar that he’s going to sustain some sort of horrible injury- maybe lose a limb or something like that.

Bellatrix & Rodolphus.
Possibly Lucius if he gets out of prison.

Some other Death Eaters but not all- I think a lot will end up in prison instead.

I’m pretty sure Professor Sprout is going to die. Why? I think Neville’s going to be the person who returns to teach, so the Herbology spot needs to be vacated :/ I wonder who’ll become head of Hufflepuff. Oh, and this obviously means Hogwarts reopens. I think trio will attend at least some portions of their 7th year, but not all of it.

I feel like it’s Moody’s time to go, too. He’s too old to survive the second war (Vold War II, lol I love that name). Also Hagrid in some incredibly dramatic way.

Jo said two people she didn’t intend to die ended up killed off. So naturally we need to look for pairs (and I think she meant among the “good guys”)-


I think killing off R&Hr is too drastic a decision if she didn’t initially inted to kill them. The twins are a very good possibility and I’m getting the same horrible feeling in my gut that I did about Sirius before book 5 came out (as in, I feel like they are going to die yet I desperately don’t want it to be true). When you think about it though, it doesn’t make much sense to kill them plot-wise (and it would just be too much considering Molly’s twin brothers were killed by Death Eaters), and is the jokeshop destined to close so soon after being opened? Perhaps only one of the twins dies but that is both even more cruel & voids the whole “pair” thing.

So though my gut tells me F&G initially, I think I’m going to say that Arthur&Molly are nearing their end. And hey, it makes sense in terms of symbolism- Harry’ll be all grown up now and won’t “need” his stand-in parents.

And I think Percy’s the other Weasley to go but only after Jo makes us like him. I think the other Weasleys are safe for the following reasons: Ron and Ginny (see above), Bill (he already has that werewolf injury so he’s sort of “safe”, like having had chickenpox in childhood :p), Charlie (would be kind of random since we know him the least; unless he’s a semi-main character throughout book seven, then maybe..).

I think Vernon might die. Or the Dursleys will divorce. But something has to disrupt that happy little suburban family.

Other possible deaths: Krum, Madame Maxine, Hermione’s parents, Kreacher, Filch, Luna D: & other classmates.

I think Draco will live, though I have no idea what he’ll do with his life. And I am having a very hard time deciding about Snape (haha!). It seemed certain he would die, but the more I think about it the more I feel like it’d be just like Snape to defy everyone’s expectations and go on living =P


There is a Ravenclaw Horcrux for sure. (Jo’s been putting up the Founders as Wizards of the Month on her site and each has been holding their object (cup, locket, sword). She’s saved Rowena for August, meaning she doesn’t want us to know her object.)

If Jo pays attention to math (which she doesn’t) newer Horcruxes should contain a smaller fraction of the soul than older ones and thus possibly be easier to destroy. (The soul in the body becomes smaller and smaller with each divison, so the first Horcrux has a half of the original soul but the second only ¼ and so forth).

Harry. Is. Not. A. Horcrux.

I have a hard time believing Nagini is a Horcrux, too. How could Voldemort trust something mortal and destructable with his soul? Unless he’s thinking that if his body is destroyed again, it’ll be easy to come back using the soul inside a snake? Like he can possess her better or something?

Bellatrix knows about Horcrux(es). She possibly has, or at one point had, one. She says in HBP that Voldemort trusted her with his most important and precious secrets. This would explain why she tortured the Longbottoms for information and remained loyal to her master- she knew Voldemort couldn’t be fully dead.

Trio will travel outside of the UK. Possibly in their search for Horcruxes.


Mirror of Erised comes back again.

Snape is not evil. This is proven when Fawks shows up and saves/defends him.

Somebody unsuspected in the Order is either evil (yes, the infamous McGonagall Is Evil theory) or an unwilling spy (Kingsley? Tonks? It seems she was acting too weird in book 6 even with the whole Remus explanation). I really like this idea because everyone’s going to be chasing the “traitor” Snape while a real traitor is completely unsuspected. Making McGonagall the traitor is even “cooler”, because she and Snape were the two opposites on either side of Dumbledore.

More on Snape: I still think he was in love with Lily. He possibly knew her from childhood? It has been suggested that Lily grew up in Spinner’s End.

Neville does something awesome. Learns about the prophecy. Finishes off Bellatrix (does not necessarily mean kills her). Possibly dies or is gravely injured. Something about him we don't know yet.

Mark Evans does turn out to be a Muggle-born wizard, but nobody important. I think it’d just be funny if Jo slipped him into the Sorting :)

Ron and Hermione don’t make out during the whole book so they can kill Voldemort with the power of 7 years’ worth of sexual tension. Dumbledore called it “love” but he was just being polite.

Snape gets a haircut.

Eh, I think that's it. I'm not big on detailed theories but more on general themes and events. 'cause I just don't think Jo is easy to predict (read: I'm hoping she'll come up with something jaw-dropping even after all the theories and fanfictions I've read). plz to surprise us, Jo :x

p.s. I'm disabling comments from anyone other than my friends until after book 7. I trust you guys not to leave spoilers.

hp, book 7

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