[#197] Saw OotP

Jul 11, 2007 18:34

Reaction went as follows:

[WOW!!] [hmm 'kay 'kay 'kay lol 'kay hm 'kay lol 'kay etc etc] [Wooow] [hm :]

More spoilery explanations behind the cut-

Ok, funnily enough my absolute FAVORITE part was the beginning at Privet Drive. I know, superweird, right? But I lovedlovedloved the style it was shot it. Very artsy, very cool, very different from the way Potter movies usually are (even more artsy than PoA) and I got such high hopes after that that the rest of the movie was unfortunately nothing much more than quick, expected scenes one after another with a couple cute moments inbetween. (RON VS. GRAWP FOR HERMIONE'S LOVE FTW ahhahaha xD!!! But I didn't like how Hermy was all "I am in control of the situation" instead of scared of the huge freakin giant! But it's girlpower so I guess that's ok).

I'm also starting to think that finding out as much as I can about the script and reading everyone's spoilery reviews of the movie does ruin a lot of the fun. I do it so I'm prepared for disappointing changes from canon :/ But I think I'll try to stay spoiler-free for the other two movies.

Ok and then the awesome at the end is Dumbledore vs. Voldy, and the possession was very well done! I especially liked the montages from the earlier films and the inner dialogue. Hated Dumbledore snapping at people, crouching on the ground, showing every freaking emotion on his face... MICHAEL GAMBON, YOU DO NOT GET DUMBLEDORE. IHU, GTFO. >( At least his talk with Harry at the end captured a tiny bit of Dumbledore, but not really.

Oh, speaking of Dumbledores, Aberforth had goats running around LOL.

I wish I was a Snarry (eww) fan because that bit before the Occlumency lesson was.. eyebrow-raising.

I liked Harry's relationship with Sirius. The death had all the emotional range of a teaspoon though :P I mean, if it couldn't make ME tear up the least bit.. Sheesh (the look on Remus' face after Harry runs off is possibly the saddest part).  But I loved Sirius punching Lucius x) It was one of the very few things I wasn't spoiled about, and I let out a little gasp.

OHOH. I am now officially a Harry/Luna shipper in the movieverse! There was also a lot of Neville/Luna. Neither of these will ever be book!canon ships but at least some changes in the movies make me happy :]

UMBRIDGE IS CREEPY AS HELL. Like you want to edge away from the screen kind of creepy.
They had like no classes this year except for Dada -_- Well, I guess montages of Divination & Potions count. And the twins totally disrupt O.W.L.s Oops, there go your futures, Hogwarts class of 199something.

Snape's memory was about 10 seconds, hard to see anything in, and HAD NO LILY. JEEZ. I guess Lily would have required to make the scene longer to explain that she didn't approve of what James was doing. ...and then Harry promptly forgets the disturbing new information about his dad. Nice.

Snape invading Harry's mirror of Erised memory felt like an extreme violation to me. That moment was Harry's sanctuary. It's interesting that in the movie this is the memory Harry calls "private" (instead of his kiss). Speaking of the kiss, wow that was long and um.. Harry, have you been practicing?

I loved the mirror in the DA room with the newspaper cutouts, Cedric's picture, the old Order. <3
All the DA scenes were good actually. Telling Luna to focus, lol Harry. Luna's introduction in the carriage was PERFECT though. Just.. perfect.

I can go on for hours like this heh. And I'm trying to not even mention all the bad stuff because yea w/e.

Overall: not much different from any other HP movie, in my opinion. I honestly can't rank them. I love and hate each of them equally.
At some points I caught myself thinking, "Thank god the book's coming out soon, I know I won't be disappointed in that!"

And you know, I think movie 6 could potentially become the best HP film. It's got 2 very solid storylines that don't require detailed explanations: Riddle's past + Draco's plotting. Yes, I think I'll have high hopes for that movie.

rotae !! I got the pufftastic ribbons you sent me today :D All the way from Australia, you are awesome =D

hp, movies

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