Stuff! YAY~!

Sep 18, 2013 19:51

Today was a lot of phone calls and running around. Short story, I start my new job Friday.... at least the Company thinks I start Friday. My staffing company told me today I was starting Monday. Then Amazon/Goodreads told me this Friday. ...I'm going with what the company said. Now to just rush and get everything in order so I can work. @_@

Other things today included talking to the loan/debt collectors, going through different people to finally have my blood work from May sent to my doctor, calling the bank, cleaning, and getting things set up so I could work Friday if that is still my start date. Oh and I woke up with a horrible migraine at 8:30 am. :D ... D:

Tired? A bit... but yay job... I think.

OH! And Unemployment hasn't paid me in maybe over 3 weeks now. Which I just found out might have to do with the fact that there was a system glitch over labor day when installing a new system update leaving many unpaid! YAY! I'm part of it, and I still haven't been paid. It is by the sheer kindness of friends that I'll actually be able to get to work and I have home supplies. As of now, I have no idea when I'm getting paid anything.
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