Of fevers and shoes.

Jun 25, 2012 18:08

I had to take a hammer to a Day Quill bottle, after not being able to open it. Everything is intact, but I had to use the hammer to tap the sides to get it to open. Had a High fever the early hours of this morning. Had some brief moments where I saw spots, but was ok. Ended up past out on top of my bed.

Other news: My Mom came by yesterday with some med. that came in handy. (limited funds makes buying med impossible right now) And some new shoes. Sadly I think it's time to retire my black mary jane tennis shoes. While slightly injured I realized just how badly worn the souls of them are. I have a bad habit of wanting to keep shoes till they break.

Loan crap: not going to be able to pay Sallie Mae and it will go to collection.. and by paying the collectors I'm already paying, I'm limited to $30 for house hold things, gas, laundry, and what not for the month. Frustrating? Yes.

That and I find SMUD to be more expensive and unforgiving than PG&E. And they seem to charge anything they can take on, including the fact that they put together a bill for you, paperless or not. Still need to call them to figure out why they are charging me a winter rated fee and a summer rated fee. Not that PG&E is some awesome company, but at least things seemed a lot more start forward.
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