Saving Saturday

Aug 22, 2015 20:12

Due to bills, doctor visits and car tag fees the budget is limited to store items and gas for work. Any extra at the end of this pay check and the next few are going to saving for cheap home items but mainly tweaks teeth surgery. Something always comes up which takes away from what savings I get, but I'm determined to get it done someway.

In short I'm staying in... Not that there was a huge reason to go out but I'm holding off on driving visits.

Which is nice. Cat time, chores, and me time. Downloading a old game that will run on my PC and hanging old posters. :D

I'll admit there was some events I wanted to go to but this works too. I can work on art and hopefully I can scape together some decent peices during this time. I just feel a bit restless when I don't leave the house after long periods of time.

Agh rambles.... Also been strangely lighthead when standing. Nothing to do with water or heat. Fresh air in the apartment. Will just have to wait till it passes.

Also had cooking fun. Last night was 'cook all veg that's about to go bad' night. Turned out alright. Threw in some water chestnuts with some sliced Roma tomatoes, green onions, asparagus, a little garlic and Italian seasoning. Top lightly with powder parmesan.

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