Fic: Inevitable (Lita/Randy, 36/50, PG)

Feb 06, 2011 14:54

Title: Inevitable
Author: Kori
Disclaimer: Not mine
Rating: PG to R depending
Characters/Pairing: Lita/Randy; John Cena, Edge, Mickie and Victoria also appearing in this part
Prompt: #064- Chick flick ;; My Table
Summary: Really, it was only a matter of time..
Spoilers: No, this starts in September of 2007 but then launches into my own version
Word Count: 258
Notes: Nothing to say that I haven't said already

For reasons that she can’t quite figure out, but doesn’t mind anyway, they end up staying for another day. Dinner is taken at the hotel, simple take out because that’s the best option for everyone.

The movie, however, is another matter entirely. And never mind the fact that they’ve already seen one movie today. This is clearly different.

“We aren’t watching Braveheart.”

“Or the Matrix,” Victoria added, a pointed look directed to the third generation wrestler.

Adam crossed his arms, “that’s fine. But that also doesn’t mean we’re watching one of those lame girly movies, either.”

Mickie arched an eyebrow, “lame girly movie? Would you like to translate that into a language that the rest of us understand?”

Lita rolled her eyes, setting the remote on the bed, “he means chick flicks. This argument was supposedly settled, but apparently not.”

Randy smiled wryly, “and for good reason. You divas keep changing what qualifies as a chick flick.”

Victoria huffed, “just like you boys always like to claim that Die Hard is a pure Christmas movie.”

“That’s because it is,” John chimed in, “it’s set at Christmas time, there’s a Christmas party and Christmas music on the soundtrack. What else do you need?”

“All right,” Mickie stood, “we’ll settle this the old-fashioned way.”

“Coin toss?”

“Arm wrestling?”

“Submission match?”

Victoria shook her head at the three men, “rock, paper, scissors. Duh.”

The three women grouped up as did the three guys, determining who would represent their group before a best of three series of rock, paper, scissors games began.

character: mickie james, pairing: lita/randy orton, character: edge, character: john cena, type: 50 word prompt, character: victoria, 500 words or less, inevitable (complete)

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