Fic: Unlikely Partners, Unlikely Heroes (Multi-Pairing, 14/?, PG-13)

Feb 06, 2011 16:23

Title: Unlikely Partners, Unlikely Heroes
Author: Kori/justagirl8225
Disclaimer: Not mine
Spoilers: Nope, 'tis A/U
Rating: PG-13 (eventual R)
Characters/Pairing: Multi-pairing; when I have a better idea, I'll let you know
Summary: For years they've coexisted, watching and protecting.. and then a new threat forces them to work together. Will these unlikely partners become unlikely heroes as well? Only time will tell.
Notes: Vampire based fic, and that's all I've got to say for now.
Previously: Memories

Though my history with Punk extends from the moment I arrived in San Francisco, as he was the first shifter I met and subsequently dealt with since leaving Europe; my history with Cena… our friendship has been rocky through the years but somehow, it has always managed to remain intact. The 1920s were difficult for all species, more so for the humans, but shifters and vampires weren’t entirely immune. During that time, the ruling house in Budapest ordered for closer interactions with the humans and that tighter protection lead to my first instance of being assigned a human partner on the SFPD.

Cena was still, as the humans say, wet behind the ears. Hot headed and reckless, but with a quality of loyalty that seemed necessary for the police force. Our personalities, though similar in some ways, seemed to clash.

But an order was an order and I could not refuse one that was handed down from the ruling house.

Sometimes I wish I had, if I had only known or could have had some inkling as to what was to become of Cena. He does not blame me for what happened, insisting that I had done all that I could.

But I still cannot help but think what if I had done something different? He was, after all, my responsibility. His case, as we know now, is a rare instance; one of the shifters created from a bite rather than being born of the curse.

I had not wished immortality on him, nor would I wish it upon anyone, but it had been an option coupled with an offer from Punk for a permanent place in his pack. And at first, I had kept my distance, the guilt too much.

Immortality is a curse as much as it is a gift. And in my lifetime, I have known many who have willingly ended their opportunity. Others make the most of it and occupy their long life span with meaningless and meaningful activity.

“I ain’t seen that before,” Cena commented, the shifter sitting on the hood of his car. “Ya got a new tattoo or something?”

I shake my head, “it’s an amulet, not a tattoo.” And at Randy’s confused look, I clarify, “visible only to the eyes of a shifter or vampire.”

Randy nods, accepting that answer easily enough, “How do you two know each other?”

Cena shrugs, “you probably heard already, vampires gotta make a treaty with the humans and shifters in the area. Amy’s always been the one on duty.”

I nod, “Punk was the first one that I met, as he is the Pack leader. And as per agreement of the treaty, I must become acquainted with all pack members.” My gaze shifts up to the stars, “why are you two here?”

Cena slides a look sideways, “you want us to leave or something?”

I smirk, leaning back against the windshield of my car, “if I truly didn’t want to be found, I would have gone somewhere else.” I slide my sunglasses off, “just curious as to why you two wouldn’t want to stay at the manor.”

John chuckles, “well, with some exceptions, I don’t exactly feel welcomed up at that swanky palace that you call a manor.”

My smirk widens, “I call it a manor because that’s what it is. If you want to see a palace, you’d have to come to Budapest or Romania.”

Randy directs a curious look towards me, “I thought you all were from Budapest?”

I nod, meeting his eyes briefly, “you would be correct in that presumption. The ruling house is situated in Budapest but, the main fortress is in Romania… the exact location I cannot disclose. We have another manor in Austria, but it is inactive at present.”

“Right,” Randy nods shortly, “and I don’t want to be rude or, I guess, at the risk of sounding completely stupid…”

“Much of what is known about our species is fiction,” I speak without caution, “but there are some that do hold true. For example, one of the easier ways to kill one of our kind is with a wooden stake and when that stake is dipped in holy water, the affect is magnified and death is instantaneous.”

“It wouldn’t be otherwise?”

I shake my head, “for an older vampire, like Hunter, a wooden stake would only paralyze him.” I bridge my hands behind my head, “there are numerous ways and methods to fight a vampire and I would be willing to teach you, if you would be willing to learn.”

John clears his throat, “I’d take her up on that offer, bro. She might be a bit of a hard ass sometimes but she’s one of the best.”

I roll my eyes, “I can’t help it if you’re too hardheaded to pay attention when I’m trying to teach you something important.” And then I smirk, “besides, Punk was the one firing the gun and the bullets weren’t silver, you had nothing to fear.”

A comfortable silence falls shortly while we wait for the sunrise, Randy attempting to stay awake. Idle conversation helps, Cena recalling some of the less than pleasant training methods I had used.

unlikely partners, pairing: multi-pairing, character: randy orton, character: lita, character: john cena, a/u

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