LJ Boldthrough/Strikethrough

Aug 06, 2007 23:54

Why is it every time I go away for a few days, LJ blows up? I come back from my week at the cottage and low and behold I see mutterings on my flist about something called boldthrough. So I go to my fandom news source Fandon Wank and am quickly brought up to speed.

Boldthrough '07 on Fandom Wank

More information here from innocence_jihad

So much has been said on what's happened lately, I'm really left feeling overwhelmed. Because this isn't about child pornography, because it's never about "saving the children". It's about someone deciding what you have a right to express. In fact, all the children in the world should be outraged at the atrocities being committed in their name. I want my child to know that the most important thing he has is his brain, and that his right to think is the most important one of all. I want my child to grow up knowing he can express what he thinks, share it with others, learn and grow as a human being without someone else telling him that what he thinks is wrong when it harms no one else. LJ wants to bold-through the name of the authors or artists who push the limits of what they feel comfortable with then I will bold-through the ideas I feel are threatened by such an action.

This time it's so much worse than fandom-scruples blacklisting authors who write smut. This time it's about a company who courted fandom here, enticed us with a nice safe place to play, let us spend our money to support it, and then ripped the rug out from under our feet.

Anyways, I've been doing too much reading, and not enough writing (the deadline for my next fic challenge is coming up and I will NOT commit another word to my damn WIP folder).

So I leave you with these links. I can't wait until LJ comes out with their response tonight. It is supposed to be posted on lj_biz.

1. Fifty Ways To Leave (without unduly inconveniencing yourself) by icarusancalion. There is some great advice here, even if you have no intention of leaving LJ. The best one I like is to upload all of your fic to your own archive and then just have a link in your LJ pointing to your fic. Since I don't have a comment feature on my website, I include a link back to LJ to leave a comment, but I love the idea of having control over where my fics are posted (in case LJ suddenly decides to stop hosting smut and deletes everything) and by having it on my website, I can track how many people are reading it as well. If anyone needs a place to host their fics, I have space available, the only problem is that I code all the pages by hand mostly, so I'm slow, slow, slow sometimes updating people's pages (just ask daera23, monanotlisa or siryn99). However, if you can do html and just need webspace, I might be able to hook you up.

2. The Directorium. For those of you considering or who already have other journals/blogs/websites, this is the fandom white pages. Record your info here so that people can still find you. Now I tried to do this and found it unnecessarily complicated...not that I spent a lot of time trying to figure it out, but it sounds cool in theory, anyways. beyond_lj is the LJ community for recording all your info.

3. There's been a call to add freedom of fandom to your LJ interests based on this post from innocence_jihad.

4. I did create a GJ account here: lunasky in case anyone wants to know. I don't intend to use it at the moment. I came to fandom because of the friends, and it's going to take some long hard pondering for me to decide to move, but you know, in case LJ blows up or deletes me for thinking, I have a backup.
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