I can't take it anymore! I have to get this out!

Apr 12, 2007 20:58

Pet peeves in SPN fandom. These are minor plot points that people seem to feel the need to stick in stories that really get me going. (Amazingly enough genderswap, slash, animal transformation, excessive angst, crack, and other controversial topics will not be featured here.)

My big one - height:

Dean: Short or shorter than Sam?

Let me clarify things. Short: someone of below average height. Shorter: Someone not as tall as the person next to them.

Dean is clearly shorter than Sam. The guy is a tree. Most people are shorter than him. However, Dean is six feet tall. That is not short. In fact, that is above average for a man (5'10"). Dean is actually tall. But I will settle for stories that just stop calling him short.

And even worse than stories where Dean is short, the ones where Dean is stunted. I'll admit, when I first started watching Supernatural, I thought he looked stunted next to Sam (that just goes to show how tall Sam is), cause I know JA is not short, and definitely not stunted. But to explain the height discrepancy by saying that Dean was on Ritalin when he was a kid, or that he was malnourished because he gave Sam all his food. Just. No. (For the record, my uncle is a freakishly tall guy in a family of six-foot men and short women. He towers over everyone. It happens.) Dean is not stunted.

Which brings us to Jess: fragile, tiny flower or woman as tall as Dean (which, since we already decided that Dean is not short, would make her well above average for a woman)?

Just stop calling her tiny. The woman was, at least, almost six feet tall. Even if you don't think she is tall for a woman, can we stop calling her tiny and fragile? Please?

Not so big issues:

Sam's eyes: blue as a clear summer sky, lighting up Dean's world or maybe hazel if you can't settle for brown?

I think they're brown. This point particularly bothers me because I have seen both boys' eyes described as every color under the sun and then I run into a story where the boys are only described by the color of their eyes and I have no idea who they are talking about.

This happens in nearly every fandom I have been in. Let's save the exotic colors for anime and the demons (it helps the boys tell who are the bad guys).

Dean's hair: golden blond like the sun that lights up Sam's life or a light, nondescript brown?

I think it's brown. Why people keep calling brown blond is beyond me.

I will never feel the need to complain about this again.
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